INDEX Campaign of, in 1018, 26 Victory of, at Kanauj, 26 Victory of, at the "Rahib," 27 Victory of, at Lahore, 27 Victory of, at Gwalior, 27 Victory of, at Kalinjar, 27 Invasion of Gujarat by, 27 Victory of, at Somnath, 27-28 Ruled over the greater part of Persia, 30 Personality of, 31 Benevolence of, 33 Encouragement of art in reign of, 33 Development and expansion of terri- tory of, 33-34 Victory of, over Ilak Khan, in 1006, 34 Incapable of organizing a government, 34-36 Death of, at Ghazni, in 1030, 29 Decline of kingdom under successors of, 36 Tomb of, spared by Afghans, 62 Mahmud I of Gujarat, 183 Mahmud Gawan, Bahmanid vizir, 192 Mahmud Khalji I, besieges Delhi in 1462, 180 Takes the throne of Malwa, 181 Takes Ajmir, 181 Takes Elichpur, 181 Takes Kalpi, 181 Takes Rantambhor, 181 Defeated by the rana of Chitor in 1440, 182 Mahmud Khalji II defeated by Sanga, raua of Chitor, 182 Mahmud Lodi, brother of Sultan Ibra- him, 217 Last hope of an Afghan restoration, 217 Afghans flock to standard of, 217 Flees from before Chunar, 218 Seeks refuge with Bengalis, 218 Defeated by Humayun near Lucknow in 1631, 228 Mahmud Shah I, brother of Humayun (Sikandar Shah), emperor of Delhi for eighteen years, 161 Leads Indian army against Timur in 1398, 166 Sets up a separate court at Kanauj, 170 Returns to Delhi on death of Ikbal Khan, 170 Death of, in 1412, 170 Mahmud Shah H, Bahmanid Sultan, 192 Death of, 192 Mahoba, a city in the Northwest Prov- inces, 23 Mahur, city of the Deccan, western limit of the Bahmanid kings of the Deccan, 186 Maimandi, prime minister of Mahmud and Mas'ud, 40 Released from prison by Mas'ud, 40 Description of ceremony of reinstalla- tion of, 40-41 Makbul Khan, vizir of Firoz Shah, 149 Government skilfully administered by, 160 Death of, in 1371, 157 Mai Bhatti, Hindu king, 146 Malabar ports reached in 1498 by Vasco da Gama, 183 Maldah, town in Bengal, 69 Malik Ghazi Shalma, an architect in the reign of Firoz Shah, 151 Malik Kafur, general under Ala-ad-din, 119 Marches against Warangal, 119 Successful at Devagiri, 119 And Khwaja Hajji take old capital of Dvara-sainudra, 120 Death of, 122 Malik Shah, Seljuk emperor, 48, 69 Malwa, a province of Central India and city of Northwest Provinces, 23, 7-6, 82, 181, 182 Insurrections in, in 1294, 101 King of, captures Kalpi, in 1435, 178 In possession of Zafar Khan in 1407, 183 Taken by Bahadur Shah in 1531, 182 Annexed by Bahadur, 185 In possession of Humayuu, 230 Festivities instituted by Humayun at, 231 Again joined to Gujarat, 232 Mamluk Sultans of Egypt, slave ances- try of, 69-70 Fleet defeated off Diu by the Portu- guese, 185 Mamluks attack the Portuguese in Arabian Sea, 184 Mandu, city of Central India, built by Hushang, 181 In Central India, Humayun pursues the king of Gujarat, 230 Mangalore, western boundary of king- dom of Vijayanagar, 188 Mangu Khan, Mongol leader, 82 Mansura, in lower Sind, Arab dynasty at, 13 Mardan Daulat, a noble of the court of Firoz Shah, 163 Marwar, district of Rajputana, Rathor principality founded at, 58 Lords of, rally to Rana Sanga' s stand- ard, 211 Mas'ud, son of Mahmud, 37 Defeat of, at Dandanakan, in 1040, 37 Orgies at court of, 38-40 Personality of, 42 Defeat of army of, at Karman, 46