271 Swims the Indus at Attok to escape Chingiz Khan, 165 Jalal-ad-din Firoz Shah, first Khalji Sul- tan of Delhi, 96 Kules for twenty years, 96 Character of, 96-97 Murder of, 97 Fate of family of, 98 Jalali nobles, fate of, under Ala-ad-din, 99 Jalandhar, district of the Panjab, fre- quent rebellions in, 171 Jami' Masjicl (cathedral mosque), at Delhi, 72, 180 Jammu taken by Timur, 169 Jannatabad, a name of the city Lakli- nauti, 173 Jasrath, a Gakkar leader of the Murree hills, 171 Jats, a tribe of India, aid the Mohamme- dan invaders, 10 Conquered by Mahmud, 28, 29 Capture and kill Niyaltagin, 45 Jauna, Prince, son of Mohammad Tagh- lak, 129 Ascends his father's throne, 129 Styled Sultan al-Mujahid Mohammad ibnTaghlak, 129 Recovers Deccan provinces as far as Telingana, 129 Jaunpur, new city founded by Firoz Shah, 161 Granted to an amir by Firoz Shah, 153 History of, 176-180 Integrity of, maintained by Sarwar's (Khwaja-i-Jahan's) successors, 177 Capital of Shark! kings, 177 Founded on site of temple where Rama- chandra slew Kavalavira, 177 Mohammedan stronghold of the North- west Provinces, 176-177 Crown prince of, marries daughter of Mubarak Shah, 178 Taken by Humayun, 211 Garrisoned by Humayun, 211 Declares allegiance to Mahmud Lodi, 217 Government of, offered to, and refused by, Sher Khan, for submission to Humayun, 233 Jaxartes, a river of Turkistan, 23, 34, 201, 203 Jhator, city of the Central Provinces, plundered by Zafar Khan, 183 Jihlam, a river of India, crossed by Mahmud of Ghazni, 26 Mas'ud at, 46 Bhira, a city on the, occupied by Ba- bar, 204 Jumna, a river of India, reached by Mahmud of Ghazni, 25 Rathors defeated at, 58 Camp of Mongols on, in 1303 115 Battle between Ibrahim and the Say- yids at, 178 Junair, district of Bombay, revolts against the Bahmanid Sultans, 192 Kabul, a city of Afghanistan, Mas'ud marches for India by way of, 46 Babar's retreat to, 203 Babar establishes his kingdom at, 203 Desire of Babar's army to return to 210 Tomb of Babar at, 223 Valley, Sabuktagin defeats Jaipal in the, 18 Kachh, state of Bombay, Firoz Shah's army lost in salt marshes of, 149 Kafur, mosque founded by, restored by the Bahinanid Sultan Mujahid, 189 Kai-Kubad, successor of Balban, 93 Character of, 93-94 Murder of, 94 Kakatujas, a dynasty, 119 Kalachuris, a dynasty, 23 Kalandari ("mendicant friar"), nick- name of Babar, 209 Kalhat, sea-port of Arabia, 3 Kalinjar, a city in Northwest Provinces, captured by Mahmud of Ghazni, 27 Mohammad Ghori victorious at, 59 The seat of the Chandel rajas, 71 Attacked by Balban, 82 Raids by Bahadur Shah against, 229 Siege of, in 1545, 240 Kalpi, city of the Northwest Provinces, Mohammad Ghori victorious at, 59 Captured by the King of Malwa, in 1435, 178 Taken by Mahmud the Khalji, 181 Kampila, city in the Northwest Provinces, ruled by Hindu rajas, 173 Kamran, brother of Humayun, 226 Ruler of Kabul under his father (Babar), 226 Annexes the Panjab, 226 Puts an end to the usurpation of Hurnayun's throne by Hindal, 234 And Hindal, plans of, 235 Kamrup, a district in Assam, 174 Kauauj, a city in the Northwest Prov- inces, a centre of the Tomara dy- nasty, 23 Taken by Mahmud of Ghazni, 26-26 Becomes part of empire of Ghor, 58 Laid waste by heavy taxation, 136