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INDEX And his army lose their way while elephant-hunting, 148 Unsuccessful expedition of, against Thatta, 148 Victorious over Samma Jam in the second expedition against him, 149 Victorious at Nagarkot, 149 Peace and plenty restored during the reign of, 160-161 Restores taxes as directed by laws of the Koran, 160 Founds town of Fathabad, 161 Public works and buildings of, 162 Government of, 162-153 A successful gardener, 163 Revenue derived from gardens of, 153 Grants Karra and Dalamau to Mardan Daulat with the title "King of the East," 153 Grants Gujarat to Sikandar Khan, 164 Grants Bihar to Bir Afghan, 154 A devout Mohammedan, 167 Character of, 166-168 Adored by his subjects, 156, 158 Appoints Prince Mohammad to admin- ister his realms, in 1387, 168 Extract from the memoirs of, 158 Appoints Taghlak Shah II to admin- ister his realm, 168 Death of, in 1388, 168 Influence of death of, on kingdom of Delhi, 159-161 Forgeries of copper tankas, 141 '* Forty, the," a corps of Turkish mam- luks, 79 Francisco de Almeida, Portuguese vice- roy, defeats the Egyptian and Guja- rati fleets off Diu, 186 G Gakkars, a Scythian tribe, 21 Habits and customs of, 21 Gama, Vasco da, reaches Malabar ports in 1498, 183 Gandhara, city on the Indus, 23 Mahmud victorious at, 24 Ganges, a river of India, 19 Battle of the, puts an end to Moghul empire for a time, 237 Battle of the, won without a gun being fired, 237 Gaur, a city in Bengal, identified with ancient Lakhnauti, 59, 173 Capital of Bengal, conquered by Sher Khan, 233 Ghazi ("victor"), an appellation of Mahmud, 22 Ghazi Malik, governor of the Panjab, 119 Ghazi Taghlak. See Taghlak. Ghazipur, district and town in the North- west Provinces taken by Humayun, 211 Garrisoned by Humayun, 211 Ghazni, city of Afghanistan, fortress of, 18 Mahmud' s treasure displayed at, 22 Mahmud's death at, 29 Ghaznavids, uncertainty of Indian pos- sessions of, 37-38 Allied with the Seljuks, 48 Dynastic list of the, 251-252 Ghiyas-ad-din ibn Sam, chief of Ghor, 53- Recovers Ghazni from the mob of Ghuzz, 64 Ghor, district of Persia, 51 Absorbs Kanauj and Benares, 68 Dynastic list of, 262 Ghuzz, a Turkish clan, 36 Godavari, a river of India, 137 Gogra, a river in the Northwest Provinces, 218 Golkonda, capital of the Kutb Shah dy- nasty, 192 Government, divergent concepts of, in Orient and Occident, 64-66 Under Babar, 219-220 Graeco-Bactrian legions in India, 15 Guadalete, river of Spain, battle of, in 710, 6 Gujarat, a province of India, successfully invaded by Mahmud of Ghazni, 27 Under the power of Ghor, 71 Governor of, executed by Kutb-ad-din Mubarak Shah, 125 Subject to Delhi, 143 Granted to Sikandar Khan by Firoz Shah, 154 History of, to its absorption in the Moghul empire, 182-185 Becomes a Moslem province in the thirteenth century, 183 Fief of, granted to Zafar Khan in 1391, 183 Fleet of, joins the Mamluk admiral Husain against the Portuguese, 184 Part of Moghul empire in 1672, 185 King of, gives Diu to Albuquerque, 185 Occasional disputes of, with the Bah- manid kings of the Deccan, 187 In the possession of Humayun, 230 Reverts to Bahadur Shah, 231 Gujarati fleet defeated off Diu by the Portuguese, 186 Gumti, a river of Oudh, 175 Gun-carriages chained together by Babar to protect his camp, 191 Guptas, a dynasty, 23 Gwalior, state of India, conquered by Mahmud of Ghazni, 27

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