265 King of, and Sikandar, treaty of alli- ance between, 196 Kingdom of, independent of Delhi, 218 Troops, massing of, 218 Army protects Mahmud Lodi, 218 Bengalis, preparations of Babar for at- tack on, 218-219 And Babar, description of battle be- tween, 219 Defeated by Babar, 219 Berar, capital of Imad Shah dynasty, 192 Imad-al-mulk crowned king of, 192 Berber tribes hold Africa until close of seventh century, 4 Bhakkar, city in the Panjab, 148 Bhatnir, Eajput fortress, stormed and taken by Timur, 166 Bhira, city on Jihlam River, Mahmud's victory at, 20 Occupied by Babar, 204 Western limit of Babar's dominions, 220 Biana, city of Eajputana, conversation of the kadi of, with Ala-ad-din, 111-114 Independent chiefs in, 173 Rana Sanga advances on, 211 Garrison from, joins Babar at Sikri, 213 Bibi, daughter of Mubarak Shah, married to crown prince of Jaunpur, 178 Bibi Naila, a Rajput princess, mother of Firoz Shah, 150 Bibi Raji, wife of Mahmud, 180 Bidar, city in the Deccan, Mohammad Taghlak defeated at, 186 Hindus of Warangal march to, 187 Capital of Barid Shah dynasty, 192 Becomes capital of the Bahmanid Sul- tans, 192 Bihar, district in India, 68 Invaded by Mohammad Bakhtiyar, 71 Granted to Bir Afghan by Firoz Shah, 164 Portions of, governed by Bengal, 174 Subdued by Sikandar, 196 Portions of, declare allegiance to Mah- mud Lodi, 217 Disregards Babar's authority, 220 Eastern limit of Babar's dominions, 221 Bijapur, capital of Adil Shah dynasty, 192 Becomes independent of the Bahmanid Sultans, 192 Bir Afghan, a noble of the court of Firoz Shah, 153 Biruni, A1-, Arab chronologist, 31 Bokhara, district of Central Asia, 18 Subdued by Ali-Tigin, 2 Once northern limit of kingdom of Khwarizin, 76 Bombay recovered from Deccan kings by Ahmad I, 182 Presidency, most of present territory of, formerly part of Bahmanid do- minions, 187 Brahmanabad, city of Siiid, Arabs vic- torious at, 9 Brahmans taxed by Firoz Shah, 157 Bughra Khan Mahmud, second son of Balban, 88, 93 Takes oath to recover and hold Bengal, 90 And five descendants rule in Bengal from 1282 to 1339, 91 Rule of, extended over forty years, 91 Personality of, 91-92 Death of, in 1287, 91 House of, in Delhi, survived his death only three years, 91 Buhlol, Afghan king of Delhi, 180 Son of, destroys buildings in Delhi, 180 Supplants last of Sayyids in 1461, 196 Restores old frontier of his kingdom as far as Bihar, 195 Recovers Jaunpur and its territories, 196 Burhanpur, city of the Central Provinces, capital of the dynasty of Khandesh, 186 But-shikan ("idol-breaker"), an appel- lation of Mahmud, 22 Buwaihids, a Perso-Arabic dynasty, 34 Calicut, a city of Malabar, 3 Caliphs, Turkish guards of, 16-17 Cambay, city in Bombay, 3,182 Humayun pursues the Raja of Gujarat to, 230 " Canal, the old Jumna," still in use, 152 Canals, double system of, connecting the Jumna and Sutlaj, 152 Benefit derived from, by subjects of Firoz Shah, 162 Carnatic, empire of the, reduced by the Bahmanids of the Deccan, 187 Ravaged by the Bahmanid Sultan Mo- hammad I, 189 Invaded by the Bahmanid Sultan Firoz, 190 Carthage, not conquered by Arabs for nearly half a century, 4 Caste, as applied to Islam, 67 Champanir, town of Bombay, Humayun pursues the Raja of Gujarat to, 230 Sher Khan's stronghold in Bihar, 229 Taken by Humayun in 1637, 232 Chandal Bhor of Asi, 26 Chandellas, a dynasty, 23