263 Literary accomplishments of, 200 Character of, 200-201 Line of emperors descended from, ex- tinct, 201 Earlier career of, 201 King of Farghana at age of eleven, 203 Ambition of, to reign at Samarkand, 203 Twice rules on Timur's throne and is twice expelled, 203 Final retreat of, to Kabul, 203 Third failure of, at Samarkand, 203-204 Attack of, on Bajaur, in 1519, 204 Occupies Bhira, 204 Begins conquest of Hindustan in 1524, 204 Claim of, to the Panjab, 204 Victorious at Lahore, 205 Establishes "Sultan" Ala-ad-din in Dipalpur, 205 Returns to Kabul from Dipalpur for reinforcements, 206 Army of, defeats Daulat Khan, 205 Preparations of, for battle on plain of Panipat, 206-206 Fights battle with Sultan Ibrahim, 205-208 Osmanli order of battle followed by, 205 Position of, before the battle at Pani- pat, 206 Attempts a night surprise on Sultan Ibrahim's army and is routed, 206 Sends the Mongol flankers to attack Sultan Ibrahim, 207 Completely routs army of Sultan Ibra- him on April 21, 1526, 207-208 Sends detachments to occupy Delhi and Agra, 208 New emperor of Delhi in 1526, 208, 209 Prayer said in name of, in mosque at Delhi, on April 27, 1526, 208 The first of the "Great Moguls," 208 Divides booty of Delhi and Agra, 208 Returns a famous diamond (Koh-i- nur ?) to Humayun, 209 Content with fame, 209 Only nominally master at Delhi on ac- count of many uprisings, 209 Army of, almost destitute for food, 209 Desire of army of, to return to Kabul, 210 Speech of, to his discontented army, 210 Resolve of, to stay at Delhi, in spite of obstacles, 210 Bravery of, wins over many of his enemies, 211 Takes Sambhal, 211 Advances to meet Rana Sanga, 211 Experience of, with the fighting qual- ities of various nations, 212 Camps at Sikri, '212 Preparations of, at Sikri, 213 Tactics of, at Sikri, 213 Outpost of, defeated by Rajputs, 213 Troops of, panic-stricken at "reports of number of the Rajputs, 213 Address of, to soldiers at Sikri, 213-214 Renounces wine, 213 Army of, takes oath to be faithful unto death, 214 Order of march of army of, 214-215 Battle of, with the Rajputs, at Kan- waha, 215 Victorious over the Rajputs, 216 Storms fortress of Chanderi, 216 Victorious over the Afghans on the Ganges, 217 Returns to Agra, 217 Hears of Afghans' plans of restoration while at Dholpur, 217 Preparations of, at Dholpur for cam- paign in Sind, 217 Returns to Agra, 217 Leads his army against Afghans under Mahmud Lodi, 217 Presses on to Baxar, 218 Is offered submission by several Afghan leaders at Baxar, 218 Is reinforced by men from Jaunpur, 218 Resolves to force the passage of the Gogra, 218 Preparations of, for attack on the Ben- galis, 218-219 Defeats the Bengalis, 219 Reduces Northern India to submission in three battles, 219 And the Bengalis, description of battle between, 219 Unsettled condition of the kingdom of, 219-220 Lack of organization in government of, 219-220 Draws a revenue of 2,600,000, 221 Describes Hindustan, 221 Physical prowess of, 222 Limitations of sovereignty of, 225-226 Death of, 199, 222-223 Tomb of, at Kabul, 223 Badakhshan, a city in Turkistan, 205 Province of India, 224 Badaun, city of Northern India, Moham- mad Ghori victorious at, 69 Revolts at, 171 Baghdad, capital of the Abbasid dynasty, 16 Bahadur Shah of Gujarat takes posses- sion of Malwa in 1531, 182, 185