Abbasid caliphs founded capital at Bagh- dad, 16 Abbas Khan, historian of Sher Shah, 239 Abd-al-Hakk, an architect of the reign of Firoz Shah, 151 Abu Bekr, grandson of Firoz Shah, 161 Adil Shah murders the son of Islam Shah, 241 Adil Shahs, dynasty of Bijapur, 192 Adorn, city of Vijayanagar, attacked by Bahmanid Sultan Mohammad I, 189 Afghan restoration, Mahmud Lodi, the last chance for, 217 Afghans, advance of, into the Doab, 211 Flee over the Ganges, routed by Hu- mayun, 211 Defeated by Babar on the Ganges, 217 Flee before Babar, 218 Fall back from Kanauj at approach of Babar, 216 Dynastic list of the, 254 Afghanistan, a country, 3 Afif, panegyrist in the reign of Firoz Shah, 150 Agra, city of India, 42 Mints of Mohammad Taghlak at, 143 Detachment sent by Babar to occupy, 208 Spoil of treasury of, divided among troops, 208 Land east and south of, unsubdued, 209 Babar returns to, 217 Description of, 217 Eaids by Bahadur Shah against, 229 Hindal's return to, 234 Seized by Ibrahim Sur, 241 In possession of Humayun in 1555, 241 Agriculture flourishes in reign of Ala-ad- din, 118 Ahmad I founds the fortresses of Ahmadnagar and Ahmadabad, 183 Ahmad Hasan Maimandi, vizir of Mas'ud, 38 Ahmad Khan, ruler in Mewat, 173 Ahmad Niyaltagin, governor of Hindu- stan, under Mas'ud, 42-43 Ahmad Shah I, Bahmanid king of the Deccan, crushes Warangal, 187 Ahmadabad, chief city of Gujarat, 183, 230 Ahmadnagar, capital of Nizam Shah dynasty, 192 Ahsanabad, name given by Hasan Gangu to city of Kulbarga, 187 Ajmir, city of Rajputaua, 58 Annexation of, to Arab domains, 58 Mosque at, 72 Taken by Mahmud the Khalji, 181 Lords of, rally to Rana Sanga's stand- ard, 211 Akat Khan, nephew of Ala-ad-din, tries unsuccessfully to usurp the throne, 106 Death of, 105 Akbar, Moghul Emperor, palace-city of, at Fathpur, 213 Grandson of Babar, 221 Draws revenue of 18,000,000, 221 Sent in pursuit of fugitive Afghans, 241 Ala-ad-din Husain (Jahan-soz) destroys Ghazni in 1165, 62 Death of, 53 Ala-ad-din, usurps the throne of Jalal-ad- din Firoz Shah in 1296, 97 Recruits to army of, 98 Takes throne of Delhi in 1296, 98-99 A successful soldier, 99 Victorious at Devagiri, 101 Mutiny in 1298 of troops of, 103 Disposition of, 104 Proclaims himself "the second Alex- ander," 104 Dreams of founding a new religion, 104 Repressive measures of, 107-110 Conversation of, with the kadi of Biaua, 111-114 Interference of, with trade and laws of supply and demand, 115 Preparation of, for defensive opera- tions, 116 261