PROVINCIAL DYNASTIES the enemy's camp, and disguised as dancing women con- trived to get themselves smuggled into the presence of the raja's son, whom they diverted with a sword-dance which ended in the plunging of their daggers into the prince's breast. This catastrophe, followed up by a night attack, caused the flight of the raja, and Vija- STJLTAN MAHMUD'S TOMB AT BIJAPUR. 4 yanagar had to pay a sum equivalent to 400,000 to get the enemy over the border. In 1406, as the annual tribute had not been rendered, Firoz again invaded the Carnatic. The war was provoked by the raja, who, hearing of a lovely but coy maiden in Mudkal, marched upon the fortress to secure her, but instead of succeed- ing in his amorous quest, not only found the maiden fled, but learnt that the army of Kulbarga was on his track.