fusion which ensued upon Mahmud's death, retiring, however, when Khizr Khan appeared upon the scene. The Sayyids tried conclusions with Ibrahim in 1427, but after a well-fought battle beside the Jumna, peace was ratified by the marriage of Bibi, the daughter of Mubarak Shah, to the crown prince of Jaunpur. An PORT OP JATOPUR, EAST GATE. invasion by the King of Malwa in 1435 was rewarded by the capture of Kalpi, which had been a bone of con- tention between the three kingdoms of Delhi, Jaunpur, and Malwa; but thenceforward to his death Ibrahim reigned in peace, an energetic and benevolent prince, beloved of his people, a zealous Moslem, and an en- lightened patron of art and learning. The beautiful Atala mosque built in 1408 is his chief monument. Its