151 beds and divans. Wealth abounded and comforts were general. The whole realm of Delhi was blessed with the bounties of God." Nor was this all. The Sultan was an enthusiastic builder. He had a passion for naming and founding towns. When a son (Fath Khan, " victory-lord ") was born to him on his first march to Delhi after his accession, he immediately founded a town on the site of the happy event and called it Fathabad, " the city of Fath/' or "of vic- tory." On his Bengal cam- paigns he rechristened Ikdala " Azadpur," and Panduah " Firozabad," and founded the new city of Jaunpur (Jaunanpur) in honour of his cousin, the late king. In the province of Delhi he not only built Fathabad and Hisar Firoza, but also a second Firozabad on the Jumna, ten miles from the capital, where he chiefly resided, and whither the people of Delhi used to resort in crowds, making holiday by the river, along whose banks the new city spread for six miles. Here he set up one of the two Asoka pillars which he had removed from their original places. He had famous architects in Malik Ghazi Shahna and Abd-al-Hakk, who employed an immense A MOHAMMEDAN WOMAN.