73 and took the throne of Delhi for himself. Altamish is the true founder of the dynasty of the Slave Kings, which Aybek did not live long enough to consolidate. The new leader was a Turk of Albari, un- equalled (says his contemporary, Min- haj -as- siraj) " in beauty, virtue, intel- ligence, and nobil- ity ' of character. " No king so benev- olent, sympathetic, reverent to the learned and the old, ever rose by his own efforts to the cradle of empire." Taken to Ghazni in his youth, he was pur- chased by Aybek, who carried him to Delhi, made him cap- tain of his guard, and eventually gov- ernor of Gwalior in 1196. What Aybek had been to Mohammad Ghori, Altamish was to Aybek, who treated him as a son. When Aybek 's real son proved unfit to rule, the chiefs of the army begged Altamish to take the throne. POLO IN ANCIENT PERSIA. From the Columbia University MS. of the Shah Natnah.