417 History of, 325 Nerbudda, see N armada News-writers of Asoka, 119 Nikaia, (1) = Jalalabad, 43 (2) On battle-field of the Hydaspes, 67 Nosala, enchanted isle, 96 Nysa, position of, 45, 46
Ohind, on Indus, 64, 99 Omphis = Ambhi, 64, 66, 99 Ora = Nora, a town in the hills, 49 Oreitai, nation or tribe, 95 Oudh, province, 25, 249 Oxathroi, tribe, 88 Oxus, river, 198, 221, 285 Oxyartes, father of Roxana, a satrap, 104 Oxydrakai, autonomous tribe of the Pan- jab, 86 Oxykanos, chieftain, 90 Padaria, see Eummindei, 148 Pablava, tribe, 191, 380 Paithan, capital of Pulumayi II, 194 Pala dynasty of Bengal, 343 Palakka (Palakkada), a Pallava principal- ity, 382 Palghatcherry = Palakka Pali, language, 146 Pallava, origin and history, 191, 380 Palli, caste, 392 Pamirs, Aryan migration across, 23 Crossed by Hiuen Tsang, 316 Pan-ch'ao, Chinese general, 224, 231 Pandu, sons of, 22 Pandya, limits of country, 366 History of kingdom, 365-70 Panjab, changes in rivers of, 79 Pantaleon, Indo-Greek king, 203 Paper introduced into Europe, 326 Paramara, dynasty of Malwa, 341 Paramardi (Parmal), Chandella king, 336 Parantaka I, Chola king, 368 Parihar rule in Bundelkhand, 335 Paropanisadai, satrapy, 108 Paropanisos = Hindu Rush, or Indian Caucasus, 108 Parthia proper, 198 Parthian early history, 199 King, Gondophares, 207 War of Kanishka, 231 Patala, city, capital of Patalene, 91, 92 Patalene = delta of Indus, 90 Pataliputra, city, foundation of, 34 = Patna, 110 Municipal administration in Maurya age of, 116 Asoka's capital, 143 Animal hospital at, 164 Rebuilt by Sher Shah, 266 Free hospital at, 268 Footprints of Buddha at, 308 Patau, Asoka's capital of Nepal, 140 Patna, city = Pataliputra, 110, 144 District in Magadha, 25 Paul, St., compared with Asoka, 172 Pearl trade, 364 Peithon, son of Agenor, 90, 104 Penal code of Chaudragupta Maurya, 120 Pepper trade of Malabar, 364 Perdikkas, general, 43 Persia, Hun attacks on, 286 Embassies between India and, 362 Persian style of Asoka's pillars, 145 Influence on India, 126, 146, 214, 243 Combat with a lion, 266 Religion, 310 Peshawar = Purushapura, 229 Peukelaotis = Charsadda, 43, 61 Peukestas, defended Alexander, 86 Phaedra, folk-lore tale of, 176 Pharro, the fire-god, 241 Philippos, satrap of countries west of the Indus, 77 Murdered, 98 Piety, law of, 153, 163 Pilgrims, Buddhist, 13 Pillar edicts of Asoka, 139, 147, 149 Pillars of Asoka, 144 Piprawa, oldest known inscription at, 17 Pithora Rai = Prithivi Raja, 330 Plays, Sanskrit, inscribed on tables of stone at Ajmir, 16 Ascribed to Harsha, 303 Poros, (1) 55, 103 (2) Nephew of (1), 68 Prabhakara-vardhana, Raja of Thanesar, 294 Prabodha-chandrodaya, drama, 336 Prakasaditya, title of Puragupta, 283 Prakrit, language, 146 Prasii (Prasioi), nation, 38 Prayaga, Harsha' s assembly at, 312 Prithivi Raja, Chauhan, 330, 339 Priyadarsika, drama, 304 Ptolemy, (1) son of Lagos, 13, 61 (2) Philadelphos, 166 Pudukottai, town, 363, 366, 391 Pulikesin (I), Chalukya king, 861 (II) Chalukya king, 301, 361-863 Pulumayi (II), (III), Andhra kings, 193, 195 Puragupta, history of, 282 I'll ran as, eighteen, 11 Date of, 279