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INDEX Lakhmaniya Rai, King of Bengal, 346 Lakshmana-sena, King of Bengal, 348 Lalitaditya, Muktapida, King of Kashmir, 327 Lalita Patan (Lalitpur), Asoka's capital of Nepal, 140 Lalliya, King of Kabul, 328 Land-revenue, or crown-rent, 120 Leonnatos, defended Alexander, 86 Defeated Oreitai, 95 Lichchhavi, clan, 27, 247 Lingayat, sect, 359 Lumbini garden, 136, 148 Macedonia, Asoka's mission to, 166 Madura, later Pandya capital, 366 Magadha kingdom, 25-40, 105, 177 Towns of, 268 Later Gupta dynasty of, 283 Magas, King of Cyrene, 166 Mahaban = Aornos, 50 Mahabharata, epic, 10 Mahadeva, Yadava king, 361 Mahanandin, king, 37 Mahapadma Nanda, king, 37, 105 Mahavamsa, chronicle, 11, 37, 168 Mahavira, founder of Jainism, 24, 29 Mahayana Buddhism, history of, 236, 267 In Burma, 169 Monastery of, 258 Mahendra, (1) brother of Asoka, 167 (2) King of South Kosala, 252 Mahendravadi, cave-temples at, 384 Mahendra-varman I and II, Pallava kings, 384-387 Mahipala, King of Bengal, 344 Mahmud of Ghazni, king, 15, 319, 328, 342 Mahoba, town, 335, 340 Malakottai, country, 368 Malava, kingdom, 142, 262. See Malwa kingdom Malik Kafur, compared with Samudra- gupta, 254 In the Deccan, 360 Destroyed importance of Chola king- dom, 380 Malloi, autonomous tribe in the Panjab, 69, 81-87 Malwa kingdom (see Malava) = Avanti, 23 Conquered by Chandragupta II, 261, 262 Described by Fa-hien, 269 Unnamed king of, 297 Mamallaipuram, "Seven Pagodas" at, 384 Mamandur, cave-temples at, 384 Maugalore, town, 167, 363 Mauju Patan, oldest capital of Nepal, 140 Manu, date of code of, 279 Manufactures, regulation of, 118 Massaga (Mazaga), town, 47, 50 Mathura, city, Upagupta a native of, 172 Satraps of, 191 Buddhist monasteries at, 240, 268 Iron pillar of Delhi probably erected originally at, 329 Matsya Purana, date of, 11 Maues, king, 206 Maurya, origin of name, 105 Empire, 128, 141, 166 Megasthenes, on India, 109 Meghavarna, King of Ceylon, 256 Menander, Indo-Greek king, 179, 203, 204, 215 Meros, Mount, 46 Mihiragula (Mihirakula), Sakala capital of, 317 History of, 286 " Milinda, Questions of," Buddhist book, 204 Mithradates I, Parthian king, 206 Mitradeva, assassinated Sumitra Sunga, 186 Moga, king, 206 Mohammed, son of Bakhtiyar, 345-347 Mohammedan conquest, 9, 345, 360 Monghyr (Mungir), district, 27 Mousikanos, king, 89 Mudra Kakshasa, drama, plots described in, 117 (quotation) Mukran =: Gedrosia, 93 Muktapida = Lalitaditya Municipal administration in Maurya age, 116 Munja, Paramara Raja, 341 Muttra, see Mathura Mysore =: Gangavadi, 390 Hoysala dynasty of, 360 N Nagarjuni hills, inscriptions in, 176 Nahapana Kshaharata, chieftain, 192 Naksh-i-Rustain, inscription at, 12 Nanda dynasty, 37-40, 105 Nandivardhana, king, 36 Nandi-varman, Pallava king, 390 Narasimha II, Hoysala king, 360 Narasimhagupta Baladitya, king, 283 Narasimha-varman I, Pallava king, 390 Narmada (Narbada), river, 8, 23. 107, 128, 143, 178, 180, 255, 301, 349 Nearchos, Alexander's admiral, 93 Nepal, capitals of, 140

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