INDEX Elephant, failure in war of the, 101 Used by Seleukidan kings, 108 For riding, 124 Cognizance of Paiidya dynasty, 366 Elura (Ellora), rock-cut temples at, 356 Ephthalite empire, 321 Epics, Sanskrit, 10 K pirns, As< >ka's mission to, 166 Eudamos, in India, 99, 103, 214 Eukratides, Indo-Greek king, 202, et seq. Euphrates, voyage of Nearchos to, 93 Euthy demos I and II, Indo-Bactrian kings, 201, 203, 401 Fa-hien, first Chinese pilgrim, 14, 143 Described Pataliputra and Magadha, 266 Female morals supervised by Asoka, 161 Firoz, Persian king, 286 Foreigners, Maurya officials in charge of, 117 G Gaharwar, clan, 330, 332 Gandaria = Gandhara Gaudhara country, defined, 23 Hun conquest of, 286 Sculptures of, 238 Gangaridai nation, 37 Gangavadi = Mysore, 390 Ganges, river, 23, 34, 106, 110, 249, 251, 254, 301 Gangeyadeva, King of Chedi, 336 G an jam = Kongoda, 305 Garrisons (Four) in Kashgaria, 323 Gaya, sanctity of, 26 Gedrosia = Mukran, 93 Alexander's march through, 98 Gedrosioi, people, 96 Girnar, lake and inscriptions at, 122 Gladiatorial contests, 111 Glausai (Glaukanikoi), nation, 68 Gnostic heresy and Buddhism, 170, 236 Godavari, river, 133, 141, 380 Gondal Bar = Gandaris, 68 Gondophares, Indo-Parthian king, 207 Gopala, founded Pala dynasty, 344 Govinda III, Rashtrakuta king, 355 Grseco-Roman influence on India, 207 Greek influence on India, 126, 212 Gujarat, (1) a district in the Pan jab, 55 (2) Western Kumarapala, king of, 161 Gupta empire, history and chronology of, 247 H Hadrian, Roman emperor, 226 Hair shaving, penalty of, 120 Hair washing, ceremony of, 113 Hal a, Andhra king, 189 Hala mountains, 98 Han dynasty of China, 223 Harsh a, (1) King of Kashmir, 329 (2) Or Harsha-vardhana, of Thanesar, younger son of Prabhakara-var- dhaua, 18 Accession of, 299 Empire and administration of, 302, 327 Imitated Asoka, 305 Religion of, 306 Death of, 315 The last native paramount monarch, 319 Harsha Charita, of Bana, 18, 304 Harshaka, king, 36 Hasan Abdal, town, 66 Hasti, tribal chief, 43 Hasti-varman, Pallava king, 386 Heliokles, Bactrian king, 204 Hellenistic kings, 127 Hephaistion, general, 43, 77, 86 Herat, city and territory, 36, 108 Hermaios, the last Indo-Greek king, 221 Herodotus, on India, 10, 12 Hinayana, primitive doctrine, 307 Hinduism, Buddhism a sect of, 171 Orthodox, 275 Hindu Kush, mountains, 23, 42 Frontier of Maurya empire, 140 Hippolytus, folk-lore tale of, 175 Hiuen Tsang, Chinese pilgrim, 14 "Travels" and "Life" of, 293 Favoured by Harsha, 309-310 Return to China of, 314 On political arrangements of India, 317 Hiuen-tsong, Emperor of China, 324 Hiung-nu, horde, 219, 221 Honorius, coins of, 367 Horse-sacrifice of Pushy amitra, 181 Of Samudragupta, 258 Of Kumaragupta I, 273 Of Adityasena, 283 Of Rajadhiraja Chola, 379 Of Sivaskandavarman, 382 Hostages, Chinese, 231 Hoysala dynasty, 360 Huna = Huns, q. v. Huns, the, invasion of India by, 281 Two main streams of, 285 Asiatic empire of, 285 Characteristics of, 287 Hushka = Huvishka, 240 Huvishka, history of, 240 Hydaspes, river = Jihlam, 54 Difficulties of crossing, 57 Hydraotes, river = Ravi, 69 Hyphasis, river, Alexander stopped at, 37 = Bias, 70 Altars on further bank of, 72