Abastanoi, tribe, 88 Abhisara, country in lower hills, 64, 55, 57, 75 Adityasena, of later Gupta dynasty, 283 Agalassoi, tribe, 81 Agathokles Dikaios, Indo-Greek king, 203, 401 Agnimitra, Sunga king, 180, 183, 186 Abmadabad, city, 284 Ajanta, caves and frescoes at, 352 Ajatasatru = Kunika, history of, 28-36 Ajivika, sect, 146, 148, 158, 176 Ajmir, inscribed Sanskrit plays at, 16 Ajodhya, in Gupta period, 265 Akbar, 309, 329, 343 Akesines = Chinab river, 64, 69 Return to, 76 Confluence with Hydaspes of, 79 Confluence with Hydraotes of, 87 Date of passage of, 396 Alberuni on India, 15 Alexander the Great, 3 Dynasties before, 22 Found the Indus boundary of India, 36 Met Chandragupta Maurya, 40, 106 . Crossed Hindu Kush, 42 Wounded in Kunar valley, 44 Stormed Massaga, and was again wounded, 47 Massacred mercenaries, 48 Occupied Ora and Bazira, 49 Took Aornos, 64 Advanced to Taxila, 65 Advanced to Hydaspes, 67 Captured Poros, 67 Founded Boukephala and Nikaia, 67 Crossed Hydraotes, 69 Built altars, 72 Camped at Jihlam, 76 Promoted Poros, 76 Started on voyage, 77 Attacked the Malloi, 82 Dangerously wounded, 86 Appointed satraps, 87 Advanced into Sind, 88 Advanced to Patala, 91 Reached the sea, 92 Prepared for return to Persia, 93 Despatched Nearchos, 93 Met Nearchos, 97 Suffered much hi Gedrosia, 98 Entered Susa in April, 324 B. c., 99 Chronology of his Indian campaign, 396 His death, 102 Wars of his successors, 104 Transitory effects of his raid, 102 Alexandrian commerce, 263 Alor, ancient capital of Sind, 89 Amazonian body-guard, 112 Amb = Embolima, 51 Ambhi = King of Taxila, 64, 66, 99 Amida, siege of, 245 Amitraghata (Arnitrochates), title of Bindusara, 127 Amoghavarsha, Chalukya king, 355 Amu Darya = Oxus, river, 198 Amyntas, Indo-Greek king, 401 Anangapala Tomara, Raja of Delhi, 329 Andhra dynastic history, 20, 177, 187- 190, 243 Kingdom, 166, 349 Anga, kingdom, 27 Auhilwara, city, 284 Animal life, sanctity of, 149, 163-167, 183 Antialkidas Nikephoros, Indo-Greek king, 203, 401 Antigonos, (1) rival of Eumenes, 103 (2) Gonatas, King of Macedonia, 166, 398, 899 Antiochos, (1) the Great, 201, 216, 217 (2) Soter, 128 (8) Theos, 20, 166, 198 Antipater, unable to retain India, 104 Anushirvan (Khusru), King of Persia, 291 Aornos, identity and siege of, 50 Apollodotos, Indo-Greek king, 202 Arab invaders, 284 Arabioi, tribe, 94, 99 Arachosia = the Kandahar country, 36, 91 411