powerful monarch called Mousikanos by Arrian, who had proudly abstained from sending envoys or presents to the invader. The capital of this stiff-necked king may be probably, although not certainly, identified with Alor, or Aror, the ancient capital of Sind, now included in the Shikarpur District, and situated in N. lat. 27° 39', E. long. 68° 59'. The peculiarities of the people of this kingdom excited the surprise and admiration of the Macedonians. The inhabitants were believed to attain the age of a hundred and thirty years, their longevity being the result of good health secured by temperance in diet. Although their country possessed mines of both gold and silver, they refused to make use of either metal. Unlike the other Indians, they kept no slaves, employing in their stead "young men in the flower of their age, as the Cretans employ the Aphamiotai, and the Lacedæemonians the Helots." They also resembled the Lacedæmonians in observing the custom of a public meal, at which the food served was the produce of the chase. They declined to study any science save that of medicine, and were reputed to have no system of civil law, the jurisdiction of the courts being confined to cases of murder and other violent crime.
King Mousikanos, like the Malloi, being completely surprised by the rapidity of the movements of Alexander, who had reached the frontier before his departure from his last camp had been reported, hastened to meet the conqueror, bringing with him all his elephants and the choicest presents which India could offer. Alexan-