admirably described by Arrian from materials supplied by Ptolemy, who did not, however, himself take part in Alexander's defence, as has been erroneously asserted by some authors.
The Macedonians, already masters of the town, were endeavouring to scale the walls of the citadel, when
Indian archer.
From the Ajanta Cave Paintings. (After Griffiths.)
Alexander, thinking that the men bearing the ladders loitered too long, snatched one from the man carrying it, and mounted the wall, followed by only three companions, Peukestas, Leonnatos, and Abreas. Standing on the wall in his gleaming armour, the king was a mark for every missile, and, feeling that he could effect nothing where he was without support, boldly leaped down into the citadel, followed by his three comrades. Abreas soon fell dead. Alexander, standing with his back to a tree that grew near the wall, slew the Indian governor and defended himself against all comers until his breast was pierced by an arrow, and he fell. Peukestas bestrode him as he lay, covering him with the