A work of later ages, 136
Maha Rahula Sutta, preached, 827
grama, 323
Founder of Jainism, 323, 324
Entered the Holy Order at the age of
twenty-eight, 324
Mahinda, son of Asoka, 320
Malwa, Hindu kingdom, 126
Man, as protector and head of the family, 7
Allusions to, in Rig- Veda, 26-27
In Brahmanic and Epic periods, 150
Of ancient India known to the Greeks,
Mara, an evil spirit, 289
India, 50
Vedic ceremony of, 55-57
Of students, 145
Among blood relations prohibited, 164
Eight varieties of, 238-239
Among kinsfolk prohibited by Vasish-
tha and Apastamba, 239
Among kinsfolk permitted by Baudha-
yana, 239
Of widows, 239
Maruts, storm gods, legend of, 72
dyas, 207
Matriarchy, no trace of, in India, 7
Matter, in Hindu philosophy, 267
Meat, eating of, 8, 60
207, 210-212, 214, 219, 234, 235
Takes up residence in India, 204
Subdivides the philosophers into Brah-
In the Rig-Veda, 26
Metre, science of, 192
riod, 149
Mitra, an Aditya, 69
tribe, 205
Moggali, father of Tissa, 319
Moggallana, convert to Buddhism, 292
Monastery, Indian, at Mihintale, 320
Money, in the Rig-Veda, 19-20
In the Rig- Veda, 80-81
position of, 157
Morning hymn to the sun, 70
and Epic periods, 141
Nachiketas, story of, 181-183
Nakula, one of the Pandava princes, 102
Narada, 132
Nearchos, a Greek historian, 216
phy, 267
Meaning of, 307-308
Nomadic life among the Aryans, 8
philosophy, 266
in Nepal and Tibet, China, and Japan,
Occult power, gained by Yoga, 260
Ocean, churning of, 25
Order of Buddhist nuns founded, 296
Orissa, Hinduized, 203
Paisacha marriage, 239
Palace, description of, in the sutras, 208
Pauchala kingdom, the, in 1400 B. c., 99
Provenience of, a mooted question, 98
Entry into the Doab, 83
Settlement of, near the modern Kanouj,
And Kurus, centre of the Hindu world,
Princes, exhibition of skill in the use of
arms, 104
Princes, the five, wed Draupadi, 109
First exile of, 103
House of the, burnt, 104