63 2
Rosmini, 381 ; disciples of, 314 Döl1inger's pupils sent to, 381 erudition of, 400 Rossi, De, 43 I; Döllinger's guide in Rome, 411 on epistles of St, Ignatius, 419 friendship with Cardinal Reisach, 501 Rouen, clergy of, desirous of Huguenot extirpation, 142 reluctance of Carouge to allow H ugue- not massacre at, 119 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, cause of his power as a political writer, 84 definition of the social compact, 57 effects of his teaching on :Marat, 57, 58 prodaimer of equality, 273 vindication of natural society by, 26 3 on true sense of country, 294 Royalism, execution of Charles I., a triumph for, 51 Royalty exalted into a religion (see also Divine Right of Kings and Passive Obedience), 47 Ruinart, credulous criticism of, 420 Rümelin, 589; on political expediency, 222 Russia, and its adoption of Greek Church, 333-4 attitude of, to Vatican Council, 508 quarrel of, with Pius IX., 493 Russian nationality attacked by Napo- leon I., 281
Saccarelli, Döl1inger's tribute to, 387 .. Sacerdotal Celibacy," 561; and the Droit du Seigneur, 566 Sacred Col1ege, the, attitude of, on the St. Bartholomew, 140 Salviati's eminence at, 110 Sadolet, Paul, cited, on massacre of Vaudois of Provence, 217 Sailer, 402 St, Augustine, cited, 197; in praise of Seneca, 25 St. Bartholomew, the Massacre of (see Massacre of St, Bartholomew), 44, 101; not a crime of the people, 43 S1. Bernard, 434 St. Brieux. agreement with Gratry's views, 537 St, Cyprian, intolerance a rule of life from the days of, Lea's view, 5 62 St. Dominic as the First Inquisitor, 553; so entitled by SiÀtus V. 55 8
attitude of, to heretics, 4 28 , 554 house of, at Toulouse, headquarters of the Inquisition, 552 St, Elizabeth of Hungary, strange choice by, of a confessor, 570 St, Francis of Assisi, Lea's view of, 5 6 9 St. Germains, Peace of, advantages of, to French Huguenots, 105 ; alarmist views on, of Salviati, 110 St, Irenaeus, language of, which might be taken as Arian, 592 St. Louis. Archbishop of, on the Im- maculate Conception, 545 on Papal Infallibility, 533, 545; his protest against the doctrine, 499 St, Martin, mysticism of. 376; study of, by De Maistre. 377 St, Pölten, Bishop of {Fessler}, and the proposed discussion of Papal Infallibility at Vatican Council, 5 00 -5 01 , 5 1 3 reform urged by, 495 Secretary of Vatican Council, 501 St. Raymond and the Inquisition. 55 6 -7 St, Sulpice. Catechism of, Lea's deduc- tions from. 570 opposition of, to Lamennais's Ultra- montanism, 463 St, Thomas Aquinas, later exponent of Plato's Politics, 72 died on the relation of Kings to the People, 3 6 , 37 Sainte Beuve, C. A., cited on political fatalism, 22 I Ste. Hilaire. Barthélemy, cited on 11achiavelli's politics, 219 Salvianus on social virtues of pagans, 33 Salviati. despatches of, on the Massacre of St, Bartholomew. 13 2 , 133; as utili sed by Acton. and his predecessors, 102 on the .. spirit of a Christian," as shown by Charles IX. at the Massacre of St, Bartholomew, 122 on the true reason for the Navarre marriage, 135 Samarra, the, 569 San Callisto, Döllinger's visit to. 41 I San Germano, treaty of, 555 San Marino, 386 Santa Croce, Nuncio. information de- rived from, on the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 102; on the plans framed at Bayonne against
Huguenots, 108 & 11Ote, 108-9