Orsi, Dö1linger's tribute to, 387 Orsini, Cardinal, Legatine mission of, to France, his instructions, 137; Charles IX. 's representations to him, 138 Oscott, Wiseman's work as President of, 438 Osiander, Andreas, cited on toleration, 157 Ossat, D', 114 & note Overbeck, on Epistle to Diognetus, 420 Oxford movement, Döllinger told of, by Brewer, 402 Wiseman's influence on, 438
career of, 526 character of, 526 French representation on Vatican Council urged by, 505 on Papal infallibility, 532 on validity of Vatican Council's decrees, 549 university of, and the Inquisition, 570 Paris, Matthew, Lea's authorities on, 558 Parliamentary corruption in America, past and present, 578 government, primitive republicanism the germ of, 32 Parma, centre of historical work, 387 (1862) nationality in, 292 Paderborn, Bishop of, on infallibility of Partition of Poland, see under Poland Pope, 518 Pascal, Blaise, advocate of passive Paine, Thomas, 585; citation of, from obedience to kings, 48 Rights of Afan, on the con- cited on varying standards of right fusion of political forms with and wrong, 220 political liberty, 238 Passaglia, fame of, 413 Pallavicini, Theiner on, 431 on papal liberty, 313 Panhellenism, 284 reputation of, 502 Panigarola, panegyric by, on Charles Passive obedience to the State, doctrine IX., 125 upheld by theologians and philo- Panslavism, rise of, 284 sophers, 47, 48 Papacy, the, acknowledgment of small taught by Luther, 156, 161, 180; principalities of Italy, 355 asserted by Calvin, 180-81 based on organic development, Patrie, French newspaper, criticism by, 321-4 of Vlisemen's address at Rome, and the Byzantine Empire, 353 439, 443, 444, 4+5; his reply, extraordinary notions of Godwin 439 Smith on the, 267 Paul, Father, 432 future of, 367-70 Paul III., Pope (Cardinal Farnese), government of, reform in, 363-5 hatred of the Medici family, 214; reform of, attempted by Pius IX" letter from Sadolet, praising the Döl1inger on, 365 extermination of the Vaudois, 217 removal to France, a challenge to Paul V., Pope (Borghese), aware of schism, 370 premeditated Huguenot mas- temporal power of, see Temporal sacre, 114 power Peace of St. Germains, 3S affecting Papal Legations rescued from Austria at French Huguenots, 105; alarmist the Congress of Vienna, 283 views on, held by Salvati, 110 See, confusion between direct and Peasants' war, the, in Germany, atti- indirect authority of, 256 tude of Luther towards, 155, struggle with the Franciscans, 552 156 & note, 162 Papinian, cited on political progress, Pegna, Arragonese origin of, 558, 560 79 character of works of, 428 Paramo, 428 Pellevé, Cardinal, Archbishop of Sens, Paris, attitude hostile to the Huguenots, on the premeditation of a mas- 116, 117 sacre of Huguenots, III attitude after the murder of Co1igny Peloponnesian war, influence of, on and Massacre of St, Bartholomew Athens, 69 in, 106, 126, and see both heads Penn, William, 410; follower of doctrine France governed by, during revolution of toleration, 84 of 1789., 88 Pennaforte, home of St, Raymond, 556 Mendoça's praise of its Catholic in- Pennsylvania, democratic constitution habitants, 124 of, 84 Archbishop of, cardinal's hat refused People, see also Democracy and Will of
for, by Pius IX., 526 I the People