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views of, on power and perse- cution, 561-2 cited on the relation of kings to the people, 37 Marshall, John, 579; and the develop- ment of the American Constitu- tion, 58 I Martens, 427 Martensen, Bishop, estimate of Döllinger, 434 tribute to Baader's powers, 376 Martineau, Dr" and Mill's opinion of results as test of actions, 223 Mary Tudor, Queen of England, 410 Maryland, religious history of, 187 Massachusetts, history of, contrasted with that of Maryland, 187 Massacre, the, of St, Bartholomew, 101 defects in plan and execution of, as judged by immediate results, 106 ; sources of the same, 117 defence of, on political grounds, 218 Dö11inger's work on, 430-31 evidence concerning, how dealt with, difficult of access, 101; best existing sources, 102 motive inspiring its chief author, 121 question of numbers slain in, 106, 137 question of premeditation of, con- temporary view, 106; modern view, 107; evidence in support of the former, 107 et seq. results anticipated from, 69 ; Philip II., 123; view not stated by Alva, 124 Massillon, Jean-Baptiste, cited on re- tribution, 220 1-1athieu, Cardinal, share in elections to Commission of Dogma, 529, 53 0 , 53 2

atter, cited on Machiavelli's influence on liberty, 227 11aurenbrecher, rank of Döllinger esti- mated by, 386 Maurer, Conrad, at Ðöl1inger's house, 4 0 5 Maximillian II" Emperor, information sent to, of the 11assacre of St, Bartholomew, 107 opinion of, on the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 144 toleration of, 105 urged to follow example of Charles IX" 134 & note May, Sir Erskine, Democracy in Europe, by, 61 Mazade, influence on Döl1inger, 434 Mazzini, Giuseppe, association of, with

the growth of the idea of Nationality, 286 association of his revolutionary ideas with conservatism of Niebuhr, 59 on Machiavelli's politics, 219 proclaimer of Nationality, 273 profane criticism by, 218 'Mazzuchelli, 114 Mechlin, Archbishop of, reply to the Bishop of Orleans by, 537 l\'ledici, Cosmo de', patron of !\1achia- veUi, father of Catherine, 122 family of, in disfa vour under Paul III., 214 Machiavelli not countenanced by followers of, 2 14 J\fediæval writers on law and right, 258 Melanchthon, Philip, his theory of per- secution, 164-170 views of, on polygamy, and the bigamy of Philip of Hesse, 160 & note on religious assassination, 325 cited on Cromwell's death, 217 Memorandum of the Powers, 183; on temporal power, 366 Menabrea, circular of, on representa- tion of Vatican Council, 509 Mendoça, praise of those concerned in the Massacre of St, Bartholomew, 12 4 Mentz, Bishop of, belief in infallibility doctrine, 518 Mérode, 414 Metternich, Prince, 283; attitude of, to Nationality, 285 Metz, Bishop of, repudiation of DÖI- linger's declaration, 538 J\1exico, nationality in, 245-46 Meyer, Paul, on the Council of ArIes, 5 6 5 Michelet, Jules, Flint compared to, 596 cited on human action as interpreter of God's commands, 223 on Machiavelli, 213 influence on Dö1linger, 433 Döllinger's study of, 421 Michiel, Giovanni, Venetian ambas- sador, 109 ; on premeditation of the M 1ssacre of 81. Bartholomew, 110 Middle Ages, authority of State inadequate in, 4 decline of religion in, 595 history of, reason for its unity, 244 political advances in, 39 persecution in, 152, 168 revival of study of, 390-91

lIfiddle Ages, The, A History of thi

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