of the French Restoration, limitations of, 282 Liberty (see also Freedom), change in constitution not effected by, in Italy and Germany, 225 definition of. 3 and democracy, 63 essential condition and guardian of, religion, 4 essential to the subsistence of a country, Rousseau Oll, 294 failure of Protestant systems to secure, 181 influences of Christianity on, 203 Luther's attitude to, 156 and property, connection between, 54 realisation of, on what depended, 288 reconciled to religion, dispute con- cerning, 467-9 theory of, as regards nationality, 289 religion and nationality, causes united in revolutions after 1815" 284 sacrificed to unity, by Machiavelli, 229 views on, of Hegel, and of Flint, 596 vulgar definition of, 580 Liberty, American, Judge Cooley on, 5 80 civil and religious, point of unison between, 151 English, adversary of old despotic policy, 276 English, adversary of fonner despotic power, 276 municipal, vigorous growth of, in Belgium, 38 religious, definition of, 151-2 effect on, of State control, 151-3 in Maryland, 187 necessary conditions of, 152-3 not impossible, 367 Liddon, Canon, intimacy with Döl- linger, 416 Liebig, 377 Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham), Church history of, 418 Lilburne, political writer in advance of his time, 50; his enlightened ideas on democracy, 83 Limborch, 563 Lipsius, R. A" study of Machiavelli by, 21 5 Lisle, Ambrose de, 423 Littré, 590 Locke, John, 54 doctrine of resistance, 54 inconsistent ideas regarding liberty, 53 on rules of morality, 221
Lombard law of Frederick II" AS affect, ing heretics, 15 2 , 5,::;5, 556 Lombardy, the heresy of (Waldensian), 559 work of St, Dominic in, 553 Longpérier, cited, on Italy's adoption of l\1achiavelli's policy, 227 Lorraine, Cardinal of (Guise), on Anjou's hatred of Protestants and its con- sequences, 105 & note approval expressed by, of the Mas- sacre of St, Bartholomew, 140 high position of, I I I ; on his initia- tive in the Huguenot massacre, his praise of Charles IX" 112 & note; complicity of, in the Mas- sacre of St, Bartholomew, 129-30 quarrels with, of Ferralz, 129; its reason, the Pope's attitude to him, 130 on the price of the Navarre marriage, 128 slain by Henry III" attitude of the Pope, 121 Louis XVI., king of France, policy of, 57 powerlessness of, to effect reform, 85 why he perished. 280 Louis Philippe, king of the French, his good opinion of republican government, 56, 90 decline of his popularity, 92 Love of country, Bossuet on, 294 note Low Countries (see also Holland alld Netherlands), Alva's failure in, 10 3 Loyola, Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus, 113 Luca, Cardinal de, proposed discussion of infallibility at Vatican Council denied by, 518 Reisach's deputy as president, 534 Lucchesini, sermon against l\1achiavelli, 21 5 Lucius, attack of, on Philo, 419 Luther, Martin, 502 attitude of, to the marriage difficulties of Henry VIII" 160 and the bigamy of Philip of Hesse, r60 Ðöllinger's estimate of, 397 early utterances of, on toleration, 153-5; his change of view, r5S influence of, on politics, 8 I Möhler on, 378 persecuting principles involved in his system, 16 4, 590 teaching of, wherein differing from that of Wycliffe and of Hus,
27 1