InternatIonal le.a!?ue of nations founded I James II., K ng of England, 54, 410 by MazzInl, 286 overthrow Imperative, 4 68 Intolerance carried to an extreme by the Janus, 519; book on Ultramontane Anabaptists, 17 2 ideal, SIl, 513 Catholic and Protestant, distinguished, Jefferson, Thomas, President, U.S. A., 16 5, 168-7 0 , 186-7 579 cause of growth of infidelity, 256 irreligion of, 585 inherent in the Mediæval Church, Jesuit attitude to the Massacre of 5t, Lea's view, 571 Bartholomew, I, 127, 147, 148 motive and principle of, when justifi- Jesuits, the, and infallibility, 49 8 able, 251 and preparations for Vatican Council, of Reformers, 18 4 497-98 as a rule of life, Lea's view on, 562-3 Jews, see also Israelites Ireland, Church in, Goldwin Smith's treatment of, by Catholics, 169, and views on, 259 by Protestants, 164, 179 Celtic race in, yielding to higher poli- Joachim, Abbot, and his work, 560 tical aptitude of the English, 242 Joan of Arc, 552; authorities on, not failure of Reformation in, 43 consulted by Lea, 558 history of, comparative method of, John of Salisbury, 45; reputed author study of, 234 of the Historia Pontijicalis, 559 land question, the great difficulty in, Joubert, on authority of the Church, 463 236 judæ, Leo, views of, as to persecution, question of, Döl1inger's views on, 434 174 religious disabilities in, an engine of Julian, apostate, reasons for persecution political oppression, 253 by, 196 and Ultramontanism at Vatican Julius Cæsar, conversion by, of Roman Council, 507 republic into monarchy, IS Irish agitation, causes united in, 284 Jürgens, his estimate of Luther, 161 Israelities, democracy of the, 65 Justification by faith, dogma of, a! government of, exhibiting principle test of orthodoxy, 158 upon which freedom has been Justin, summit reached by, 406 won, 4, 5 Justinian, code of, greatest obstacle to a federation held together by faith liberty next to feudalism, 79 and race, 4 on the absolute authority of the Roman resistance of monarchy among, by Emperor, 31 prophet Samuel, 4 Italian States (1862), nationality in, 295 Italy, Austrian rule in, error of, 285 effect on, of the Massacre of 8t, Bartholomew, 12 4, 143 literature of, influence on Döl1inger, 3 86 -7 policy of, under 11achiavelli and before, use of assassination, 2 13 politics of, influenced by Vatican Council, 508-511 reliance in, on Machiavelli, 226 Machiavelli's triumph, 225, 266 temporal power of papacy in, 355-62, 3 6 7-7 1 wisdom of Huguenot massacres con- fessed, 125 Ivan the Terrrible, Czar of Muscovy, protests of, on the St. Bartholo- mew, 144
Jackson, Andrew, American President, 57 8 Jacobins, policy of, criticism of, 261
Kalde, effect of works of, 408 Kampschulte, effect of works of, 403 Kant, Immanuel, 594 Kaulbach, pictorial ridicule of Dö1lin, ger's R iformation, 411 Kenrick, on Papal infallibility, 54 0 , 544 Ketteler, W, E. von, DÖllinger's lectures praised by, 381 on Papal infallibility, 54 0 , 544 Kings, status of, in England, Canning on, 583-84 Kirckmann on political ethics, 222 cited on the adoption of Machiavelli's policy, 227-28 Klein, J. L., cited on Machiavelli's moral purpose, 229 Kleutgen, garbled version of Stross- mayer's protest, 542 Kliefoth, influence on Dö1linger, 389 work on penitential system, 38 I Knowledge, growth of, freedom of, in the Church, 461 Knox, John, 44
.. Monstrous Regiment of Women, " 45