Humboldt. W, von, 282
Hume. David. 54; cited on Il Principe. 218 Hungary. Church constitution of 1869,. 5 10 growing autonomy of. 526 Huns. stationary national character of. 24 1 Hus. John. difference between his teach- ing and Luther's. 271 triai of. 552, 570; a test case. 572; Lea's puzzling views on. 573
Ideals. energy evoked by. why greater than in case of rational ends. 27 2 usefulness of. 272; how limited. 273 Ideas. abstract. more powerful than practical. views on cited. 585 II Principe (11achiavelli's). dedication of, 2 I 5 Nourrisson's praise of. 227 Pole's attention called to. 214 publication of. 214; interpretation of. by all later history. 213; known to Pole and Cromwell. 21 4 various criticisms of. 218 Immaculate Conception. doctrine of. Archbishop of St, Louis on. 545 Income Tax. known in Middle Ages. 39 Independent congregations. advocacy of toleration by. 52 t1ldex, the Church's instrument of pre- venting scandal by literature. 4 6 9-47 1 institution and origin of, 21 5, 495 permanent exclusion of It Principe by. 2 I 5 power of, in Germany. 473 reform of, urged on and effected by the Vatican Council. 495. 525. 53 1 sanction of. 544 Indifference. religious, of educated Protestants, 350-51 Indulgences granted by Pius V.. in connection with war against the heretics, 141 Infallibility. Papal- attitude to. of Lamennais. 462-4. 465. 4 66 Bavarian warning against adoption of. by Vatican Council. 511 Ct"viltà Cattùiica on, 500-501 continental discussions 011. 518
6 1 7
debate on. at Vatican Council, 532- 549 declaration of. urged on Vatican Council. 499 definition of. not to be made, by Vatican Council. 518 discussion and definition of. hy Vatican Council. 525-49 doctrine of the Jesuits. 498 ; establish- ment of, Vatican Council. 499 opinions in England. on discussion of. at Vatican Council. 507 opposition to. 502-4 origin of doctrine of. 513-15 to be presented at Vatican Council. 5 00 - 501 proposed by Cardoni at commission of preparation for Vatican Council. 500 Infidelity. growth of. due to intolerance. 25 6 Innocent III.. commonly reported as founder of the Inquisition, 553. intolerance of, 431 treatment of heretics. 568 Innocent IV,. Pope, cited. 206 Innocent X, . Pope. protest against Peace of Westphalia. 324-25 Innocent XI.. Dö11inger's proposed history of. 433 Innocent XI.. Pope. and the Revo- cation of the Edict of N antes. 147 Inquisition. the. earlier and later. dis- tinction between aims and char- acteristics of. 552 Lea's view on. 568 Machiavelli denounced to. 214-15 never admitted into England. 59 origin of. controversy on. 553 period of its activity and decline, 574 problem of. 570 sanction of, 544 in Spain. 152 supporters of. 570 tribunal of. appropriation by Spanish kings leading to absolute mon- archy, 41 at Vienna. 184 writers defending. 573 Illquisitt"on. The. if the Middle Ages. A History of. by Henry Charles Lea. review, 551 Institutes. Calvin's. on Toleration. 182 Insurrections previous to 1789. wherein differing from the French Revolu- tion. 271 Intellectual offices of the Church not
exclusively hers, 448-9