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urges full and complete extirpation of Huguenots, 142 conduct as viewed by French and by Italians, 148 reply, 137 undue hatred of, consequent on his attitude to the matter, 138 and the Navarre marriage, his steady opposition, lOS, III, II3, 128 on destruction as result of sedition, 216 Gregory XVI., Pope, personal fallibility of, admitted, and denounced by Lamennais, 465, 4 66 Grenoble, Bishop of, doctrine of Papal Infallibility admitted by, 528 excluded from Commission on Dogma, 53 0 on dogmatic decrees of the Vatican Council, 533 Grey, Lord, 219 Grotius, 432; days of, 225 founder of study of real political science, 46 on the principles of law, 46 Guala, Bishop of Brescia, successor of Moneta and St, Dominic, 553 and the burning of heretics, 555-6 Guelphs, political theory of, 36 Guicciardini, Francesco, abridged by Trent Commissioners, 215 Guidonis, Bernardus, frequently cited by Lea, 568 leading authority of the fourteenth century, 559 Prartitia of, 558 protests of, on Clement V. 's decree on privilege of Inquisitors, 566 Guise, Duke of, initiative of, in the massacre of St, Bartholomew, 112 recalled to France, 213 slain by Henry III. of France, 121 Guise, House of, 112, 118 Guizot, 400 on the eighteenth century, 585 on Hamilton's work The Federalist, 5 81 on importance, to all denominations, of the Vatican Council, 493 wisdom of, 401 Günther, 473 Gurney, Archer, alarm of, at Döllinger's views, 382 Guyon on the murder of heretics, 147

Habeas Corþus Act, principle originated in 11iddle Ages, 39 Habsburg famIly, contests of, 274

6 15

Halifax Archbishop of (Conolly), on the dogmatic decree, 533 opposition of, at Vatican Council, 5 22 on Scriptural authority, 547 Halifax, George Savile, Lord, 53 Hallam, Henry, favourable comparison of theory of II Principe with other political theories, 224 Hamilton, Alexander, eulogised, 581-3 history, treatment of philosophy, 380 political example of, 586 views of, as cited by Bryce, 578 Harnack, estimate of Döllinger, 434 Harrington, political writer in advance of his time, 51 Hartwig, 230 Hase, Prof, K" cited on political ex- pediency, view of, on importance of Vatican Council to ali de- nominations, 493 Hauréau, His/oire Liltéraire by, di- vergence from, of Lea, 558, 563 Havet, 555 Haynald, Archbishop of Colocza, at Council of Bishops, 186 7" 499 Hefele, defender of the Inquisition, 573 estimate by, of Ðöllinger, 434 on Papal Infallibility, 54 0 , 544 on validity of dicta of Vatican Council, 54 8 Hegel, Carl, friend of Döllinger, 420 Hegel, G. W. F., 5 8 9, 590 definition by. of universal history, 224 as enemy of religion, Döllinger's dis- paraging view of, 376, 381 master of Cousin, 589 posthumous work of, 385 view of, on Development of Liberty, 59 6 Henry III" King of France (see also Anjou, Duke of), 44, 580 Dö1linger's lenient estimate of, 410 hopes of his destroying the Huguenots root and branch, 142; urged on him by Muzio, 143 and the murder of the Guises, 121. 21 3 reliance of, on II Principe, 215 Henry IV., King of France, see Navarre. King of Heraclitus, of Ephesus, on the su- premacy of reason and divine origin of laws, 21, 22 Herbert, cited to show lachiavel1i's sacrifice to unity, 229 Herder, J, G.. 375 on /l Principe, 228

Heresy (see also Intolerance, Persecu.

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