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politics and their in erest for, 400- 4 0 3 reliance of scholars on, in theo- logical difficulties, 382-3 silence of followers of, 313-15 style of, 375-435; own estimate of, 432; views on, and methods of, 3 8 3; 3 8 5. 3 8 9-9 2 tract attributed to, on Infallibility, 5 12 , 5 1 3 value as historian of the Church, 4 08 - 10 views of, compared to Möhler's, 378-9; on temporal power, 3 01 -74 visits of, to Oxford, 403; to Rome, 4 10 - I 4 'VI,Torks hy- Church Histor)', interpretations of, 379-435; source of, 386; new edition of, refused by, 392-3 Heiden/hum lmd /udenthum, pub- lication of, 405-7 Hippo/ytus und Ka/listus, publica- tion of, 404-5 Kirdle und Kirchen, argument of, 414-18; description of, 384-6; source of, 386; preface to, cited on temporal authority of the Church, 303 - 12; purpose of, 37 1 -4 Papsifabeln des J.Uittelalte , 1-S spurious authority of the Church, 4 18 - 21 Philosophume1la, vindication of Rome, after publication of, by, 4 0 4 Refurmatíon, preparation for, 392- 4; publication of, 394; ridi- culed in Rome, 411; style of, 393-7 cited 011. attitude of Pius IX, and the Council, 371 character of Pius IX" 365-6 Council of Trent, 432 England's attitude to temporal power of Pope, 415 German loyalty to the Church, 37 0 -7 1 Luther, 397 mistaken judgments of youth, 429 St, Dominic, 428 the temporal power of the Pope. 4 1 4- 1 5 Dominicans, the, theology of, dis- countenanced, 498 Dominis, De, 432 Dorner, 389 Dort, Canons of, 580 Doyle, 402

Duchesne, Abbé, 4 00 , 574 on the idea of development, and what im peded its acceptance, 59 2 - 3 Dupanloup, 400, 425; opposition of, at Vatican Council, 522, 526 defence of Syllalms by, 424 opposition of, to Papal temporal power, 412 Duperron, Cardinal, on Arianism, apparent, in S1. Irenæus and Tertullian, 592 Duplessis-110rnay, forebodings of, as to Huguenot perils, 107 Dutch independence due to maritime successes, 103 Dynastic interest, dominant in old European system, 273 at the Congress of Vienna, 283

ELrard, DöIlinger's opinion of work of, 4 20 Ecclesiastical authority, functions of its office, 460 Echard, authority on the Inquisition, 554 book by, on St, Thomas, pages by another, printed in, 558-9 Eckstein, character of, 400 École des Chartes, pupils of, methods of, 561 École Française, 574 Edessa, Archbishop of, at commission of preparation for Vatican Council, 5 00 Edict of Nantes, Revocation of, an in- consistency, 170 not approved by Innocent XI., 147 remarks on, 260 of Pacification, 108 of Toleration, deceitful, of Charles IX., 117, 135 Elections, indirect, 97; not always a safeguard of conservatism, 2 Elizabeth, Queen of England, Catherine de' Medici's challenge to a mas- sacre of Catholics, 122 DölIinger's lenient view of, 410 murder of, sanctioned by Pius V" 139 not alienated by Charles IX, '5 Huguenot massacres, 120 proposed league of, for Protestant defence, Lutheran protest, 145 Elizabeth of Valois, first wife of Philip II. of Spain, fate of, 104 & note Ellicott, Dr., Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, on Lamennais's theory, 593 Emerson, R. W., on attitude of the best

Americans to politics, 578

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