Commonwealtbs, founders of, 70 Communism, a subversive theory, proclaimed by Babæuf, 273; theory of its antiquity due to Cri tias, 17 Comte, Auguste, historic treatment of philosophy, 380 Concordat, Austrian, failure of, 292 Confederacy essential to a great democracy, 277 Confederate scheme of American government, 577 Conference of Bayonne, resolutions inimical to Huguenots taken at, 108-9 & notes Confession of Anjou, on the l\lassacre of St. Bartholomew, 107 Confession of Augsburg, apology of, on excommunication, 158 importance of, recognised by Luther, 159 Conflicts with Rome, 461-91 Connecticut, Blue Laws of, 55 Conrad, Master (of Marburg), prin- ciples inspiring, 556; as con- fessor of St, Elizabeth, 570 Conscience, freedom of, a postulate of religious revolution, 153 in politics, expedient elasticity of, 212- 1 4 Conservateuy. the, 594 Conservatism. indirect elections not always a safeguard of, 2 ; restric- tion of suffrage in relation to. 96 Conservatism of American revolution- ists, 580 European, 583 Constance, Council of. support of, to the Inquisition, 570 Coltstantine, donation of, 469; political Christianity of, 30, 31 Constantinople, seat of Roman Empire transferred to, 30 , Patriarchs of, see Eutychius Constitution, American, consolidated by the Civil War, 579 despondency of its founders as to. 579 Hamilton's views on, 581-3 not understood by Tocqueville, 576 Constitution of England. Sir E. May on, 62 Constitutions, evolution of, 58 growth ..of, nature of, 5 Periclean, characteristic of, 10 view of Guelph writers respecting, 3 6 how ancient, differ from modern, 19 mixed, difficulty of establishing and impossibility of maintaining, 20
Contarini, Gaspar, 214 Contarini, Venetian ambassador. on the expected change in France (as to the Huguenots), 109 Conti. story of priests and the St. Bartholomew disproved, 126 Cooley, J ndge, cited by Bryce, on American liberty and govern- ment, 580 Copernican system. the. derided by Luther. 160 Corsica. 105 Cortes, Donoso, classed as ultramon- tane, 451 Council of Aries and the Count of Tou- louse, 565 Council of Constance, support of, to the Inquisition, 570 Council of Trent, III, 138; Döllinger's investigations of, 43 I; and tradi tion, 513 Council of Ten, Ì\-folino on, 213 Cournot, intellectual qualities of, 589 Cousin, Victor, 224, 588, 589 historic treatment of philosophy, 38c Cranmer, 430 Creuzer. 405 Critias, cited. 70 originator of notion of original com- munism of mankind, 17 Croker, see Canning Cromwell, Oliver. Constitutions of. short-lived. 50 study of, 410 Cromwell, Thomas. acquaintance of, with II Principe. 214 death of. a joy of Melanchthon, 217 Culturgeschichte of Hellwald, 573 Cumberland, expositor of Grotius, 46 Cusa, Cardinal of. on Christian doc- trine, 514
Daniel, historian, 588 Dante, Döl1inger's return to study of. 433 key to. where found. 574 views of, on conscience, 562 and Cecco d' Ascoli, on schism, 564 Danton, his action in the Reign 01 Terror, 266 Darboy. Archbishop. on Papal Infalli- bility, 547 opposition of. at Vatican Council. 5 22 Daru, revival by, of Hohenlohe's policy. 5 1I Darwin. Charles. estimate of Carlyle. 223 Deak on Hungarian administration.
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