Aristocracy, destruction of, in the Reign of Terror, 262 early eighteenth-century, 273-4 government by, advocated by Py- thagoras, 21; government by, danger of, 20 Roman, struggle with plebeians, 13, 14 Aristotle on class interests, 69 estimation of, by Döllinger, 406 Ethics of, democracy condemned by, 71 Politics of, 22, 79; makes concession to democracy, 72 saying of, reflecting the illiberal senti- ments of his age, 18 Arles, Council of, and the Count of Toulouse, 565 Arnaud and the saying, "God knows His own," 567 Arnauld, 429 Arnim, Baron, influence of, at Vatican Council, 506 interview of, with Döllinger, 426 Arnold of Brescia, 559 Arragon, constructive science of its people, 557 heresy in (1230), 556; lead of the country in persecution, 557 Artists, method of, compared with that of scientific historians, 233 Ascoli, Cecco d', fate of, 5 6 4- 5 Ashburton, Lady, 382 Asoka (Buddhist king), first to pro- claim and establish representa- tive government, 26 Assassination, see also 11urder and Regicide Catherine de' J\.Iedici's plan, inspired by member of Council of Trent, 216 expediency of, view 01 Swedish bishops, 217 as a political weapon, 213-14 religious, considered expedient, 325 tbe reward of heresy, a doctrine oÎ the Church in Middle Ages, 216 Athenagoras cited, 70 Athenians, character of, II Athens, constitution of, rapid decline in career of, II; revision of, pro- vided for by Solon with good results, 7, 8 democracy of, 66; tyranny mani- fested by, 12 gm'ernment by consent superseded government by compulsion, under Solon, 7 laws of, revised by Solon, 6
political equality at, 68 Republic of, causes of ruin of, 7C death of Socrates crowning act of guilt of, 12 reform in, came too late, 12, 13 Aubigné, Merle d', and the charge against the Bordeaux clergy, 127 note Auger, Edmond, S,]" and the Bor- deaux massacres, 127 Augsburg, Confession of, axiom con- cerning importance of, in Luther's system of politics, 159 Apology of, on excommunication, 158 Austria, Concordat in, its failure, 292 opposition to Vatican politics in, and to the Council, 503, 506 policy of repression in, after Waterloo, 283 representation of, on Vatican Council, 509 Austria, Don Juan of, and the victory of Lepanto, 104; effect of, marred by Charles IX" 105 Austrian Empire, nationalities in, 295, 296; why substantial, one of the most perfect States, 298 Austrian power in Italy, effect of, on nationality, 287 rule in Italy, error of, 285 Authorities, use made of, revealing qualities of historians, 235 Authority of the Church questioned through Frohschammer's excom- munication, 477-8 Authority, supreme, of the Church, 192; attitude of Home and Forez'gn Review towards, 482-91 Avaux, D', view of expedient political massacre, 218 A vignon, removal of the Papacy to, 370; strife between, and the Franciscans, 552 Ayamonte, Spanish Ambassador to Paris, 123
Baader, F. X, von, estimate of, by Döllinger and 1fartensen, 376; work of, 377; father-in-law of Lasaulx, 405 Schelling's coolness to, 381 Babæuf, proclaimer of Communism, 273 Bach, administration of, in Austria, 28 3 Bacon, Francis, 562 advocate of passive obedience to kings, 48 modern attacks on, 377
on bookish politicians, 575