Alamanni, forecasting the Huguenot massacres, 109 Albertus Magnus, 557 Albigenses, how dealt with by Mont- fort, 556 why persecuted, 168 Aldobrandini, Cardinal Hippolyto, see Clement VI II. Alessandria, Cardinal of, Michielli Bonelli, Legate of Pius V" mission of, to Spain, Portugal, and France, 112; his famous companion, 113; his ostensible purpose, its failure, information given to, on the forthcoming massacre, 113-14 after the St, Bartholomt:w 140 A!fonso, King of Aragon, proscription by, of heretics, 558 Alva, Duke of, Catherine de' 11edici's message to, on the massacres, 122 failure of, in the Low Countries, 10 3 judgment of, on the St. Bartholomew, 12 4 letter of, on the St, Bartholomew, 108 & note ordered to slay all Huguenot prisoners, 141-2 America, colonists of, opposition of Lords Chatham and Camden to, 55 early settlers in, Catholic and Pro- testant, contrasted action as to religious liberty, 187 doctrine of rights of man, originated from, 55 United States, democracy in, 64 government, based on Burke's political philosophy, 56; how the value of this foundation was negatived, 56 humour in, 579 national institutions of, attitude to, of Americans of to-day, not that of the founders, 579 place of, in political science, 578 presidency of Monroe, .. the era of good feeling, II 56 progress of democracy in, 84 religion in, Döllinger on, 339-40 representation in, defect concern- ing, 579 A merican Commonwealth The, by James Bryce, review, 575 American Constitution, Hamilton's position regarding, 581; its development due to Marshall, ib. how cemented, 579
government. confederate scheme of, 577 Judge Cooley on, 580 libt:rty, Judge Cooley on, 580 revolution, the abstract revolution in perfection, 586 no point of comparison between it and the French, 580 not inspired by the beliefs of the Pilgrim Fathers, 584-5 spirit of, 580, 587 Americans, attitude of the best towards politics, 578 Anabaptists, destructive tendency of their teaching, 157, 169, 171, 174, 175, 17 8 , 185; and its effect on Luther, 155 intolerance of, 171-2 views of reformers as to their tolera- tion, 157, 164, 167, 176 Andreæ, Lutheran divine, on the Huguenots, 145 Angelis, de, Cardinal, manager of elec- tions to Commission on Dogma, 5 2 9 President of Vatican Council, 534 Anglicanism, appreciation of Döllinger for some exponents of, 395 and growth of other sects, 334-7 progress of, 329'32 Anjou, Confession of, on the St. Bar. tholomew, 107 Anjou, Duke of (see a/so Henry III,), and the crown of Poland, lOS, 120, 144 schemes for marriage of, with Queen Elizabeth, 105 guilt of, for the St. Bartholomew, 110 orders of, for Huguenot massacre in his lands, 119 Annalists, method of, compared with that of scientific historians, 233 Antiquity, authority of State excessive in, 4 of liberty proved by recent historians, 5 Antonelli, Cardinal, advice of, to Bonnechose, 529 discussion of Infallibilty by Vatican Council, denied by, 518-19 on temporal power of Papacy, 414 Apologists for the :Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 147-8 Apology of Confession of Augsburg 00 excommunication, 158 Arianism among the Teutonic tribes. 199 suggested, of Peta\'ius, and why, 59
Aristides and democracy, 68