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arc not prepared to admit; something which can sufficiently explain misgIvIngs so commonly and so sincerely entertained. Others may perhaps imagine that we are unconsciously drifting a\vay from the Church, or that we only professedly and hypocritically remain with her, But the Catholic critic will not forget that charity is a fruit of our religion, and that his anxiety to do justice to those from whom he must differ ought always to be in equal proportion with his zeal. Relying, then s upon this spirit of fairness, convinced of the sincerity of the opposi- tion \ve encounter, and in order that there may remain a distinct and intelligible record of the aim to which we dedicate our labours, we proceed to make that declaration which may be justly asked of nameless writers, as a testimony of the purpose \vhich has inspired our under- taking, and an abiding pledge of our consistency. This Review has been begun on a foundation \vhich its conductors can never abandon \vithout treason to their own convictions, and infidelity to the objects they have publicly avowed. That foundation is a humble faith in the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church, a devotion to her cause \vhich controls every other interest, and an attachment to her authority which no other influence can supplant. If in anything published by us a passage can be found which is contrary to that doctrine, incompatible \vith that devotion, or disrespectful to that authority, we sincerely retract and lament it. No such passage was ever consciously admitted into the pages either of the late Ra1JZbler or of this Revie\v. But undoubtedly we may have committed errors in judgment, and adlnitted errors of fact; such mistakes are unavoidable in secular matters, and no one is exempt from them in spiritual things except by the constant assistance of Divine grace. Our \vish and purpose are not to deny faults, but to repair them; to instruct, not to disturb our readers; to take do\vn the barriers \vhich shut out our Protestant countrymen from the Church, not to raise up divisions within her pale; and to confirm and deepen, not to

",'eaken, alter) or circumscribe the faith of Catholics.

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