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was not a Gennan, from Basel to Königsberg, \vho could have faced a viva voce in the Di1"ectorizt1n or the Arsena/e, or who had ever read Percin or Paramo. If Lacordaire disconnected St. Dominic from the practice of persecution, Döllinger had done the same thing before him.

'Veit entfernt, wie luan ihm wohl vorgeworfen hat, sich dabei Gewa]t und Verfolgung zu erlauben, oder gar der Stifter der Inquisition zu werden, wirkte er, nicht den Irrenden, sondern den Irrthum befehdend, nur durch ruhige Belehrung und Erörterung.

If N e\vman, a Inuch more cautious disputant, thought it substantial truth to say that Rome never burnt heretics, there were things as false in his own early \vritings. If Möhler, in the religious wars, diverted attention from Catholic to Protestant atrocities, he took the example from his friend's book, which he was reviewing. There may be startling matter in Locatus and Pegna, but they were officials writing under the strictest censorship, and nobody can tell when they express their own private thoughts. There is a copy of Suarez on \vhich a priest has written the marginal ejaculation: (( Mon Dieu, ayez pitié de nous ! " But Suarez had to send the n1anuscript of his most aggressive book to Rome for revision, and Döllinger used to insist, on the testimony of his secretary, in Walton's Lz"ves, that he disavowed and detested the inter- polations that came back. The French group, unlike him in spirit and motive, but dealing with the same opponents, judged them freely, and gave imperative utterance to their judgments. While Döllinger said of Veuillot that he n1cant \vell, but did much good and much evil, Montalembert called him a hypocrite: U L'U nivers, en déclarant to us les jours qu'il ne veut pas d'autre liberté que la sienne, justifie tout ce que nos pires ennemis ont jamais dit sur la mauvaise foi et l'hypocrisie des polémistes chrétiens." Lacordaire wrote to a hostile bishop: "L'U nivers est à mes yeux la négation de tout esprit chrétien et de tout bon sens humain. 1\1a consolation au milieu de si grandes misères

morales est de vivre solitaire, occupé d'une æuvre que

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