hold no intercourse with the Huguenots, to make no terms with them, and not to observe the terms he had made. He required that they should be pursued to the death, that not one should be spared under any pretence, that all prisoners should suffer death. 1 He threatened Charles with the punishment of Saul \vhen he forebore to extermi- nate the Amalekites. 2 He told him that it \vas his mission to avenge the injuries of the Lord, and that nothing is more cruel than mercy to the impious 8 When he sanctioned the murder of Elizabeth he proposed that it should be done in execution of his sentence against her. 4 It becanle usual with those who meditated assassination or regicide on the plea of religion to look upon the representatives of Rome as their natural advisers. On the 2 I st of January I 59 I, a young Capuchin came, by permission of his superiors, to Sega, Bishop of Piacenza, then Nuncio at Paris. He said that he was inflamed with the desire of a martyr's death; and having been assured by divines that it would be meritorious to kin that heretic and tyrant, Henry of Navarre, he asked to be dispensed from the rule of his Order while he prepared his measures and watched his oppo_rtunity. The Nuncio would not do this without authority from Rome; but the prudence, courage, and humility which he discerned in the friar made him believe that the design was really inspired from above. To make this certain, and to remove all scruples, he submitted the matter to the Pope, and asked his blessing upon it, promising that whatever he decided should be executed with all discretion. 5
qu'elle n'a faict jusques à ceste heure centre ceux qui lui font la guerre, com me de raser quelques-unes de leurs principales maisons pour une perpétuelle mémoyre (Rambouillet to Charles IX" Rome, Jan, 17, 1569; Bib, Imp, F, Fr, 17,9 8 9). 1 Pius V, to Catherine, April 13, 1569, 2 Pius V, to Charles IX" March 28, 1569, 3 Sa Saincteté m'a diet que j'escrive à vostre majesté que icelle se souvienne qu'elle combat pour la quereUe de Dieu, et que ceste à eUe de faire ses vengeances (Rambouillet to Charles IX" Rome, March 14, 1569; Bib. Imp. F. Fr, 16,039), Nihil est enim ea pietate misericordiaque crudelius, quae in impios et ultima supplicia meritos confertur (Pius V, to Charles IX" Oct. 20, 15 6 9)' 4 Corresþondance de Philipþe 11" ii. 18 5, I) Inspirato più d' un anno fa di esporre la vita al martirio col procurare Ia liberatione deUa religione, et delle patria per mezzo della morte del tiranno, et assicnrato da Theologi che il fatto saria stato meritorio, non ne haveva con tutto
ciò mai potuto ottenere da superiori suoi la licenza 0 dispensa, . , , 10 quantunque