Index. liefs, 380 ; colossal, at Hamadan, 384 ; figurine, at Susa, 419 ; or bull, ^^1 i huDted by the king, 451. Loftus, 1A2 ; opinion with regard to the great palace at Susa, 361 476 n. ; detects task-marks on bricks, 478 a. Longp^rier, De, 484 M. Magi, ii ; head-dress, 2,^6. Mahista, Sassanid palace, 185. Malamir, monuments near, 4^ ^ 377. Mall us, coinage of, 466. Manou, laws of, 191 a. Masons' marks, 2© «. Mazanderan, 6 ; houses upheld by wood pillars, 98-100. Mazdaism, m, 16. Medes, ^ iij probable state of their art, 326, M^nant, Jules, z&2 a. Mervdasht, plan of, ^ 277, 278. Meshed-i-Murghab, 43^ Metal, used as casing in Persia, i i;o, i s 2. 15 s : tributes, perhaps, of, 403 ; ap- plied to walls, 488. Modern architecture in Persia, 10.^, 104. Module in Persian architecture, 58. Morier, lqj Mortar, 165, 167. Mouldings, Persian, 115, 117, 123-125, 127-129. N. Naksh-i-Rustem, i;^ 121 Hi 3»o. an, 218-224. 244. 245- Negro, head of, at Persepolis, 436. Niches, in Persian palaces, ; copied at Feruz-Abad, 1 74. Niebuhr, Gartens, ^ 267 357. Noeldeke, ^ 2^ a. NorQz, festival, 401. O. Oak in Persia, 43. Ochus, buildings at Persepolis, 342. 343- Ogee- shaped moulding, 123. Oppert, 43 «^ tL Orientation of palaces at Persepolis, 3^ P. Palm (date), in Susiana, 42 ; in Persian capital, 1 14-1 16 ; dwarf, repro- duced on sculpture, 138-141 ; at Per- sepolis, 138 ; on engraved stones, 451, 45ii 456. Palmette m Persia, 138-141, .^.^8. napd&€i<Toi, etymology of, 203; speci- mens of, afii. Parasol over the head of the king, 396. Parthians, 13 Pasargada;, situation, 43^ 196 ; buildings, 196-208, 246, 268-27 ^ ; bas-relief, 388-393 ; already mentioned by Anaximenes, 468. Peiresc, enamelled brick from collection of, 44J a Persepolis, origin of name, 45 au Pillar, wood, 48^ ^^j origm of Persian, 96-99 ; perhaps of wood at Perse- polis, 332 a. Pins, bronze, 485. Plan, of Persian buildings, 61. 62. 69 ; of vaulted edifices of Pars, 162-175. Plane tree in Persia, 50, 261. Plaster at FerQz-Abad, 12O1 llh. llL Pliny, 276. Plutarch, Life of Ariaxerxes, 15 afia. ; Life of Alexander y 385 n. Polvar-Rud, 6, 43, 44« Polybius, description of the palace at Ecbatana, 22. 3^8 a. Polychromy in Persia, 157-160. Polyclitus cited by Strabo, 252IL1 1S8 », Portrait not found in Persian sculpture, 433. Pettier, E., 428 a. Propylxa, destroyed, 292-294 ; why so called at Persepolis, 295. Pshent, on intaglio, 455,456 ; on Persian sigli, 464. Ilvpyot, meaning of, 215. Pythius, gifts to Xerxes, 27. Q. QUINTUS CURTIUS, Sfi 289 tU R. Ram at Persepolis, 404- Rawlinson, George, 5i loi. 185 «M 321i 462 «. Rawlinson, Sir ET ^ » > "■■> j2i "