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505 fire-temp'.es, i8q, 247-351 ; forlress, 189, 252. FUndin, Eugbne, is 2, 160. 244-2^4, 259, 263, 268, 274, 2i<h 283. ^ ^^7 «^ ^nfli ^^lli 42ii 1^ Floor-patterns ot Persian palaces, 153, 154, 328 ; copied on mural decoration, 476-4^4- Fly-chaser over head of kmg, 396, 409 Folds in Persian sculpture, 429, 430. Furniture of the Persians, 484. Furthwaengler, 156 GABREtMADEEEd Suleiman, ^j, ^ 197-200, 207. Galley on Persian sigli, 464. 467- Geometrical decoration in Persia, 471- 475- Gherd, ending of, in Persian names of localities, 468 ». Ghilan, 6. Gilding in Persia, i6q. Gobineau, De, Trois ans en AsU, Li ^L ; Jieligions ft philosophies de PAsie cett' trale, 154 a» ; IJist. des Perses, 1 1,4 ; Catalogue d'une collection d'intaitles, 418 «., ^ tu Gntfin in Persia, 144, 156, ^21^ 338^ 435- H. H.iiTEs diadem, 393. Halevy, J., ifl n. Hamadan, ^6^ ^58, 359. Harem, situation of, at Persepolis, 342. Hatra (El-Hadr), Parthian palace, 185. 193- Head, Barclay, 4.'; 9, 461 «., 462 //., 464 W.-466. Head-dress in Persia, 396, 397, 402- Herodotus, rj «.-22 25-27, 22, i^o, 136^ 21^ 212^ 240^ 241. 261. 401. 404, 414. 45 9» 468, 484^ 485. Heuzey, 493. Hittites, pomts of resemblance between Susian and Hittite sculptures, 377. Hoi wan, bas-relief, 394 /l Homolle, 57 a» Houssay, 10^ u «^ 159, 267 w., 222 n., 377- Hovelaque, Abel, la «. Humped ox, 407. Hyrcanio, ii. Irrf.f^, 377. Imam-zadeh, meaning of, 207. Immortals, the, 426. India, what she has given to the West, Inscriptions, Behistun, IS, ^ 333 ; painted in Persia, 1 59, 415 ; of Cyrus, 2fli ; of tomb of Darius, 222, 425 ; Xerxes, 296 ; Artaxerxes, 366, 367 a» ; Susa, on enamelled bricks, 42^ a Instruments, musical, on Susian bas- reliefs, 424- Irak Ajemi, 6. Istakhr, palaces of, 354, 356 ; fortified gate, ziAi 125: Ivory, in Persian decoration, 151 ; bearers of, at Persepolis, 408, 409. Iwan, ihlj. JusTi, ifl a» K. K.ANAUTS, kanats, 6, 1^ Kane-i-Dara, " house of Darius," 45. Kangovar temple, jj: Kamac compared with hypostyle hall of Xerxes, 322. Ker Porter, 2ni 207, 435 a. Khorasan, 6, Khuzistan, ^ Kiosk, 262-265. Kossovics, 2^ a i. Lajard, ^ Language, Medic, loj Persian, 10, 31- 33 ; Susian, ll La yard. Sir H^ 42 360. Leaves, reversed as ornament, ring of, 82. ^ 2i Lenormant, Fr., 459 tu 462. Lighting of hypostyle halls, 85. Limestone in Persia, 47 jl Lion, order of Lion and Sun, iS ; on Assyrian flag, 108, 109 ; masks on Egyptian capitals, 1 08- 1 12 ; in Persia, M4. 147. 313. 3t5; walking on friezes, 2^4, 115 ; on antae, rj^i 267 ; about doorways, 267 ; Susian bas-re-

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