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504 Index.

Caylus, De, 484 «. Cedar, at Persepolis, whence imported, so, ft.; deodora, in decoration, 143 a. Chancellery, Persian, 3X1 i^. Channels under platform at Persepolis, 287, 309, ^10. ;^44. Mi Chardin, 35 287, 396 a. Chase, in Persian sculptures, 414 ; on intaglios, 451^ 455. Chel Minar, 45. Chipiez, Ch., 81-86, 314. Cboisy, study on the art of building, t63 tL Cicero, 2^ a. Cidaris, 400- Clamps, iron, 2°i lii 27o> ^7 1- Clarac, .^2 1. Cloisonne' enamels at Susa, 478. Coinage in Persia, 458-463. Column, in Persii, 5^ 2<i3; airy pro- portions, 53 ; flutes, probable origin, 52,82^26,105. Cornice, Egyptian, in Persia, 62^ 123, 124 ; copied at Feruz-Abad, 174. Coste, Pascal, 15 Li£ ^ 1^6-167 ; fire-temple restored by, 248; Proi)ylrca at Persepolis, 233 ; Palace of Xerxes, .^06 tL ; of Darius, .^3.^- Crenelations in Persian buildings, 132- 1361 i8o» iii^ lA2i Crescent on engraved stone. 457. Crowning, Persian, 133- '36- Ctesias, 2^5 «., a. Cu|x>la in vaulted buildings of Persia, Cypress, in Persia, ^ a. ; m decoration, Cyrus, tomb of, 197-207 ; palaces at Pasargadae, 268-27 j ; representation of, :t88-.^93. Dakmas, 122 «., 215-217. Darics, 460. 461, 463. Darius Hysiaspes, tomb of, 222-231 ; letter to satrap, 261 tL ; wall of plat- form at Persepolis signed by, 2^^; probable author of the Hall of a Hundred Columns, 3ii ; inhabited palace, 333-338 ; builds a palace at Susa, 361. Darius Nothus, attribution of seal to, 4';2. Darmesietcr, James, work on ancient Persia, 9 «.-i2 32 ^ mi »., 190-192 24_i 2^ 266 417 n., 407 tL Daskylon, residence of a satrap, ^ Delattre, 8 tL Delos, bulls* porch, 56, 82. Demaratus, jo. Democedes, 16 tL Demons in Persian sculptures, .H3 «., 418 tL Dentels in Persia, 85, 123. 124. Dieulafoy, Jane, 36, 42 a. Dieulafoy, Marcel, labour of, 36, 43- 4S» 48 ; discussion and opinions, 42 «.. tiS a, 128. 155-160, 162-164, t68-i7^ LIS. ^98-212, 2161 2ji 222. 223, 250-253. 262. 266. 267 //., 269-272. 275, 281, 283, 284; dis- coveries and remarks, 50, ^ 6oj 70- 22 ft; 22i 100, lUi "4. LLSi LL1± 123-125. 154, 157. 3 00. 395, 306 /»., 322 iSHi 363-365, 368. Diodorus Siculus, 38 //. ; upon aTtiftccrs imported from Kgyjit, 11^; royal tombs .It Persepolis, 218 ; enceinte at Persepolis, 288-290 «. Door, in Persian buiUiing-i, 1 24. 125, 127 ; in Chaldaean architecture, 1 70 2L ; in buildings after the Achxmcnidian era, iSa. Doryphores, 403, 405, 407-410. Drapery in I'ersian palaces, 132. 13.^. E. Ear-pendants on sculptures, 425. Ecbatana, wooden palace, 99-104 ; in- scription on bases, mi tL ; defences, 360, ^ 369-372. Elam, lOj i_u Enamel in Persian decoration, 150, 153- 155, 368, 421 430, 42^1 483- Erechtheum, gateway to, 127. Esther, Book of, 153, 153 343- Ethnic types at Persepolis, 402-404. 407-409? ±36. Excavations by Persian governor, 287. F. Facing, no figures, in Persian sculpture, 447- Fars, 2 «• Ferash-.'Xbad, ruinous building, 168, i6g. Fergxisson, lCu //., .U7. Ferouhers, 191. Feruz-Abad, palace, 162-165, 182-189 •

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