Industrial Arts.
471 been brought to light which, either by the situation it occupied at the time of its discovery, or the character of its ornament, could with any semblance of probability be attributed to the Achaemenidae. Among the vases Dieulafoy exhumed at Susa, those he carries back to high antiquity are small specimens of red pottery destitute of ornament ; and he assigns his five ex- emplars of blue enamel to the Par- thians and the Sas- sanidie. The sound- ness of his opinion is proved by a whole series of vases which have come both from the excavations made at Rey (ancient Rhagse) in Media, and in Fig. 242. — Vase. DLick ware. Richani C ollection. to s)>uut, 1 1 c. Drawn by Height Fig. 243. — On the right, black clay vase ; height 9 c. On the left, yellow clay vase ; height, 8 c. Richard Collection. Parthia on the site of a town supposed to have been Hecatom- pylos. All these specimens formed part of the collection ex- hibited in 1889, at the Champ de Mars, by MM. Richard and