liMiAuiTED Palaces.
345 and rapidly sinks after leaving it, seems to indicate a drain (Fig. 1 66).* The palace was approached by several flights of steps. The peculiarity of the southern staircase has already been noticed ; unlike all the others, which are parallel to the wall of the platform to which they lead, it is perpendicular to it. The steps are cut in the rock ; there is no parapet and no ornament. The sculptured decoration of this edifice has nothing to dis- tinguish it from the general run, except that here the symbolic combats between king and monsters, that form the sole orna- mentation of the lateral chambers in the Palace of Darius, are replaced by figures of attendants carrying na[)kins, vases for per- fumes, and the like, a substitution which may be explained by the » ' , ' •• Fig. i66.— Palace of Xerxes Longitudinal section through axis of channel. Ft.ANl>lN and CorrB, TineMeimtu, Plate CXXXV. gradual development of sensual enjoyment and love of display in the court life.. The Palace of Darius faces south, whilst all the other buildings are turned towards the north, or rather north-west, a direction naturally preferred in such a climate. This may have been the reason why Xerxes, dissatisfied with his father's house, open to the broad full sunshine, as much courted in winter as it is dreaded in summer, desired his palace to front north, an orientation which in that burning zone is by far the most agreeable during the greater portion of the year, and would thus enable him to live in comfort at Persepolis when he pleased.* ' The existence of the channel in question induced Tcxicr to give the name of " Baths " to the structure. We have pointed out the existence of ducts of this nature about the liypostyle hall of Xerx^, but no one would dzeam of asoibing to the latter such a functioa Ducts were required to cany off used water and refuse from the domestic dwelling. • With a little management, Persepolis is not a bad place in which to spend tlie summer. Its situation is 1699 metres above sea level. M. Houssay states that the thermometer in the month of July niaiked from 40** to 41" in the shade outside. Digitized by Google