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The Propyls on the Piatform.

293 made. Beyond the passages rise two slender columns, the upper part of whose capital is alone wanting (Fig. 147) ; the site of two other shafts is shown by their bases, which are still in place, and about which lie a number of fragments of capitals.* Again, beyond the symmetrical group formed by these supports are other two FiC. 146.— Propylan T'l wniN nnd COSTt, FiG. 147.— Columns of the Propyl.Ta. DlF.lJ- Hnt atidcnm, i'laie LXXIU. LAFOV, L'Art an4ique, torn. ii. Plate XXII. pillars turned the opposite way, and similar to the first both in plan and proportions, save that the arrangement of the gigantic animals flanking the doorway is different. On one of the facades (looking towards the mountain) the images decidedly belong to the

  • Fi.ANDiN and Coste, loc. cit.^ Plate LXXIV. The height (rf* the columiis in

their present state is 16 m. 58 c Diyiii^ed by Google

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