The Built Tomb.
209 sented by the ruins strewn over the plain of Meshed-i-MOi^hftb was one of the twin cities that went by the name of Pasargadae ; but he accuses Strabo of having confused the town which Cyiiis founded on the spot where he met and defeated Astyages with that where his tomb subsequently rose.* At first sight it seems natural enough that the founder of the Persian monarchy should have wished to commemorate a victory fraught with consequences that gave him an empire. Dieulafoy recognizes the sepultures at Meshed-i-MQrghftb as those of Mandane. the mother of Cyrus, and his father. Cambyses; but why separate the son from his parents ? AH the tombs of the princes of the second dynasty, which commences with Darius Hystaspes, are found in the plain of Mervdasht ; what more probable than that the graves of Cyrus and the members of his &mily should be grouped around the first capital abandoned by Darius for Persepolis ? In the ruinous tomb seen at a little distance from the Gabre (Fig. 98) was doubtless buried another member of the fnmily of Cyrus. It represents a second type of a built vault; but we should know very little about it had our knowledge been confined to this mutilated specimen. Fortunately for us, a duplicate in a marvellous state of preservation is found at Naksh- i-Rustem (Figs. 21, 104). "The plan, elevation, and style of architecture in either edifice are almost identical, so that the description of one will do for both."' They are square towers built of beautiful blocks of hewn stone, and measure about seven metres at the side, with a height of twelve metres or there- abouts,' whilst a denticulated ornament forms the cornice I Strabcv XV. iii. 8. ' Dieulafoy, I^AH antique^ torn. L p. 14. ' The following are the exact dimensions of Coste Tower at Pasargadx :— widdi, 7 m. 10 c. ; length, 7 m. 40 c, ; height, 12 m. 88 c. Tower at Naksh-i-Rustem : 7 m. 29 c each way ; height, 1 1 m. 60 c. A third tower that nearly approaches Fio. 99. — Paiargadx. Upper part of funereal tower. DisuLAFOY, VAri mMptet torn. i. F^g. 18. '