xii List of Illustrations.
no. PAGC 226 Cylinder 457 227, 228. Sigli 463 229. Double daric. Gold 463 330-233. Double siglL Stiver 464, 465 334. Coin, Tanui 465 235. Tetradrachm 465 236, 237. Silver coins or unknown ntraps 466 238. Persian siglos. Silver 466 239. Coin, Mallus Cilicix 466 »4o, Tetiadrachm. Silver 466 241. Device from carpet, Ispahan 470 343-249. Vases 471,475 250. Susa. Knamellcd flay slab 477 251. Susa. Enamelled slab 478 252. 253. Susa. Enamelled earthenware 481,483 354. ^U'shead Etectnun 484 TAII.-riKCl.S. Propylxa, Perscpolis. 'rrinket dc^^ending from bull's neck, detail of capital 46 Cone of white chalcedony found at Persepolis ...... . . 189 Coin of Persian dyfUMty 339 Fire-altar on tomb at Naksh-i-Rustem 354 Figure of Ahura-Mazda on door-frame of the Hall of a Hundred Columns . 375 Galley on reverse of double Persian sii^los . . . . • 467 Tetradrachm. With type akin to that of specimen bearing the name of Pythagoras 486 Engraved stone 50Z Digitized by Google