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List of Illustrations. xi

no. rAoi 173. Hamadan. View of remains of ancient buUding 358 174, 175. Plan and profile of baac ' 359 176. Assyrian plan of Susa 360 17 7. Susa. Shaft of column and fragment of capital 36a 178. Susa. Fampet of staircase .366 179. Susa. The fortress exhibited on ardioi^ dicM 369 180. Istakhr. Fortified giteway. Plan 374 1 81. Istakhr. Fortified gateway. Longitudinal section 374 182. Istakhr. Fortified gateway. Transverse section 375 183. 184. Bai-rdie6 from Susiana • 37^1 379 185. Siiaa. Capital fiusing . 38a x86. Susa. Side view of capital 383 187. Pasargadx. Bas-relief 389 1 88. Head-dress of Cyrus 388 189. fiehistun. Bas-relief 393 190. Peraepolis. Bas-relief of door-firame of the Hall of a Hundred Cdumns 396 191. Persepolis. Bas-relief of door-firame of the palace No. 7 .... 397 193. Persepolis. Bas-rclief on basement of hypostyle hall . ..... 403 193. Persepolis. Officials ushering tribute-beams 403 194. Persepolis. Chariot and charioteers 405 195. The humped ox, Persepolis 407 196. Persepolii. DoubloJittmped camd (fiactiian) 197. Persepolis. PresenUtton of elephants' tasks 409 198. Presentation of lions* skins 410 199. Persepolis. Royal attendants 412 200. Persepolis. Representation of Ahura-Mazda 417 set, SOS. Bronae statuettes 4181 419 S03, S04. Persepolis. Body-guards 4*3f 4*4 205. Tomb of Darius. Head of guardsman 425 206. Persepolis. Palace of Darius. Combat of king with unicom . . . 428 207. Persepolis. Bas-rehef of the hypostyle hall of Xerxes 429 308. Persepolis. Sculpture in the hypostyle hall of Xerxes 430 509. Persepofis. Head of negro 436 510, Persepolis. Head of Tartar 436 211. Persepolis. Combat of the lion with the bull 437 212. Susa. Head of lion 440 213. Persepolis. Rams 444 s 14. Persepolis. Sculptuie in Palace of Xerxes 445 2x5. Ptirsepolis. Sculpture in hjpostyle ball of Xenws 446 S16. Signet of Darius 451 217, 218. Cylinder 453 219. Scarabaeoid cone 455 220. Cone 455 SSI. Cytinder 456 ass, 333. Cone 45^ 324. Cylinder 45^ 3 as. Cone 457 Digitized by Gopgle

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