List of Illustrations. FIG. PAGE 1 20. Pasargadsi. View of fire-altars 845 1 21-133. Plan, elevation, and section of two altars . 346 ia4. Fera>>A]>ad Fiie4emple Present state 346 195. Fefflo^Abed. F!re4eii^le. Plan 347 126. FerQz-Abad. Fire-temple. Restored elevation 348 127. Feruz-Abad. View of ruined towcr « . 351 128. Shiraz. Palace of Bash No 359 139. IspahsU). The Mirrors' Pavilion. Perspective view 263 13a Palace of Cyras. Plan cf present state 368 131. Palace of Cyrus. Restored plan 369 132-134. Palace of Cyrus. Plan of pillars and basement 370 135. Palace of Cyrus. Upper exlremity of pillar 371 136. Pasargadse. Plan of a small palace 373 137. Kan of pillar carrying baa-idief. 373 X38. Pasargadse. The Takht-i-Soleiman 373 139. The Takht-i-Soleiman. Plan 374 140. The Takht. Elevation of corner of wall 374 141,142. The Takht. Detail and section of courses 275 143. Persepolis. General plan of the buildings 279 144. PenqpoUs. &oiie fimn fiiese of wall of platform aSt 145. Persepolis. Great staircase leading to platform 385 Z46. Proi^lsea. Plan 993 147. Columns of the Propylsea 393 148. Hypostyle hall of Xerxes. Plan 398 149. View of remains of hy^jostylc hall 301 150. Capital and base of columns. Western ade 303 151. Restored plan of hypostyle halL After Feigosson 309 153. Fragment of bull 3x3 153. Plan of capitals of colonnades 314 154. Plan and section of ceiling 316 155. The throne of the shah 317 156. Royal canopy 318 157. Curtain of hypostyle hall 3x9 158. Bjs relief, Louvre 333 159. The Hall of a Hundred Columns. Plan 3*5 160. Plan of floor and ceiling. 338 i6x. Palace of Darius. View taken from the south side 333 163. Wan of pier of doorway 336 163, 164. Elevation and section of doorway 336 165. Palace of Xerxes. Plan 344 166. Palace of Xerxes. Longitudinal section 345 167. North-east palace. Remains of door-ftame 346 z68. Istakhr. Principal palace^ Plan and ruins 354 1^9. Istakhr. Principal building. Plan of ancient portion 355 170. Shiraz. View of ruins of a palace 357 171. Shiraz. Plan of building 357 172. Shiraz. Elevation and section of doorway 357 Digitized by Copgle