phiaraus) did the Cadmean (Theban) women with trailing robes admire when they saw face to face his eyes and well-grown frame, as he was busied about the burying of Oedipus, the man of many woes...Once the Danaï, servants of Ares, followed him to Thebes, to win renown...for Polynices. But, though well he knew from Zeus all things ordained, the earth yawned and swallowed him up with his horses and jointed chariot, far from deep-eddying Alpheus.
But Electryon married the all-beauteous daughter of Pelops and, going up into one bed with her, the son of Perses begat...and Phylonomus and Celaeneus and Amphimachus and...and Eurybius and famous... All these the Taphians, famous shipmen, slew in fight for oxen with shambling hoofs, ships across the sea's wide back. So Alcmena alone was left to delight her parents...and the daughter of Electryon...who was subject in love to the dark-clouded son of Cronos and bare (famous Heracles).
The beginning of the Shield as far as the 56th verse is current in the fourth Catalogue.