In crown bvo, price fcs. b'd., bound in cloth.
AICIEUT CLASSICS POR ENGLISH HEADERS, EDITED BY THE REV. W. LUCAS COLLINS, M.A. " It is difficult to estimate too highly the value of such a series as this in giving ' English readers ' an insight, exact as far as it goes, into those olden times which are so remote and yet to many of us so close. It is in no wise to be looked upon as a rival to the translations which have at no time been brought forth in greater abundance or in greater excellence than in our own day. On the contrary, we should hope that these little volumes would be in many cases but a kind of stepping-stone to the larger works, and would lead many who otherwise would have remained in ignorance of them to turn to the versions of Conington, Worsley, Derby, or Lytton. In any case a reader would come with far greater knowledge, and therefore with far greater enjoyment, to the complete translation, who had first had the ground broken for him by one of these volumes. Saturday Review, January 18, 1873. The Volumes published contain: HOMER'S ILIAD. By the Editor. HOMER'S ODYSSEY. By the Editor. HERODOTUS. By G, C. Swayne. XENOPHON. By Sir Alexander Grant, Bart. .ESCHYLUS. ByR. S. Copleston, B.A. SOPHOCLES. By C. W. Collins, M.A. EURIPIDES. By W. B. Donne. ARISTOPHANES. By the Editor. HESIOD and THEOGNIS. By Jame% Davis, M.A. LUCIAN. By the Editor. OESAR. By Anthony Trollope. VIRGIL. By the Editor. HORACE. By Theodore Martin. CICERO. By the Editor. PLINY. By the Rev. A. Church, and the Rev. W. J. Brodribb. JUVENAL. By Edward Walford, M.A. PLAUTUS and TERENCE. By the Editor. TACITUS. By W. B. Donne. To be completed in 21 Volumes. ' WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, EDINBURGH AND LONDON.