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Recent Publications. 13

Family Prayers. Authorised by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Crown 8vo, red edges, 45. 6d. Hours of Christian Devotion. Translated from the German of A. THOLUCK, D.D., Professor of Theology in the University of Halle ; Councillor of the Supreme Consistory, Prussia. By ROBERT MENZIES, D.D. With a Preface written by the Author for this Translation. In 8vo, 95. " We can heartily commend the book to our readers, promising them that they will derive from it a stimulus to their piety, and a solace in hours of darkness." Noncon- formist. " A most masterly and admirable book. . . . For Sunday-evening reading the Christian layman need have no better book. Even those who 'care for none of these things' will not readily lay aside a work which is so inviting in language and forcible in thought." The Christian Times. The Six of Spades. A Book about the Garden and the Gardener. By S. REYNOLDS HOLE, Author of 'A Book about Roses,' &c. Crown 8vo, 55. " We may, in conclusion, recommend the whole book to the attention of our readers as one which will afford them much amusement on a winter's night. . . . It is written by one who really loves flowers, and wishes to lead others to worship at the same shrine ; and we_ wish the book success." Journal of Horticulture. " This is Mr Hole's chef-d'oeuvre, and brings us nearer to him in thought and sympathy than any other of his works. . . . The book is a mixture of fiction and philosophy, and Mr Hole is a cheerful and healthy master of both, teaching wholesome truths in a kindly and cheerful way."- Tlie Gardeners' Magazine. Dedicated by Special Permission to Her Majesty. The Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. A Series of Entirely Original and Authentic Maps. By ALEX. KEITH JOHNSTON, LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S. A new Edition, brought up to the present time, containing a new Map of North Polar Regions. In imperial folio, half-bound morocco, ^"5, 155. 6d. Dedicated by Permission to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The Handy Royal Atlas. By the SAME AUTHOR. Forty-Five Maps, clearly Printed and carefully Coloured, with General Index. ^ With Indices to each Map, comprising nearly 150,000

  • Names of Places contained in the Atlas. A new

Edition, brought up to the present time, containing a new Map of North Polar Regions. In imperial 4to, half- bound morocco, 2, 125. 6d.

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