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Illustrated Edition of the Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. The Designs by Sir J. NOEL PATON, R.S. A. Engraved on Wood by John Thompson, W. J. Linton, W. Thomas, J. W. Whymper, J. Cooper, W. T. Green, Dalziel Brothers, E. Evans, J. Adam, &c. Small 4to, printed on toned paper, bound in gilt cloth, 2 is. " The artists have excelled themselves in the engravings which they have furnished. Seizing the spirit of Mr Aytoun's ' Ballads' as perhaps none but Scotchmen could have seized it, they have thrown their whole strength into the work with a heartiness which others would do well to imitate. Whoever there may be that does not already know these ' Lays,' we recommend at once to make their acquaintance in this edition, wherein author and artist illustrate each other as kindred spirits should." Standard. Bothwell: A Poem. By W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN, D.C.L. Third Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 7s. 6d. " Professor Aytoun has produced a fine poem and an able argument, and ' Bothwell ' will assuredly take its stand among the classics of Scottish literature." The Press. The Ballads of Scotland. Edited by Professor AYTOUN. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, I2s. Poems and Ballads of Goethe. Translated by Professor AYTOUN and THEODORE MARTIN. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 6s. " There is no doubt that these are the best translations of Goethe's marvellously-cut gems which have yet been published." Times. Firmilian; or, The Student of Badajos. A Spasmodic Tragedy. By T. PERCY JONES. In small 8vo, 55. " Humour of a kind most rare at all times, and especially in the present day, runs through every page, and passages of true poetry and delicious versification prevent the continual play of sarcasm from becoming tedious." Literary Gazette. The Poems of Felicia Hemans. Complete in I vol. royal 8vo, with Portrait by FINDEN. Cheap Edition, 55. Another Edition, with Memoir by her SISTER. Seven vols. fcap., 355. Another Edi- tion, in 6 vols. bound as 3, I2s. 6d. The following Works of Mrs HEMANS are sold separately, bound in cloth, gilt edges, 45. each : RECORDS OF WOMAN. FOREST SANCTUARY. SONGS OF THE AFFECTIONS. DRAMATIC WORKS. TALES AND HISTORIC SCENES. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS POEMS.