Connie Morgan with the Mounted
haired Superintendent picked up the paper and read:
"The Officer Commanding
B Division, R. N. W. M. Police,
Dawson, Y. T."
I have the honour to submit the following report. On March 1st, I deserted the service and threw in with one Brek Wiley for the purpose of killing moose and caribou out of season and selling same to Swede Johnson, Tom Ashley, and Contractors Kirby and Jones. We went to the head of Coal Creek and set up a camp. We killed nine moose and seven caribou, part of which we delivered to above parties, and the rest is cached on Coal Creek.
Three days ago ex-special Constable C. Morgan arrested Brek Wiley in the cabin on Coal Creek and supposing I was in the service and was working on the case, turned him over to me.
I brought the prisoner in and can produce evidence that will convict him of violation of the game law. I am equally guilty, and I hereby surrender myself on charges of desertion from the service of the R. N. W. M. PoHce, and violation of the game law.
I have the honour to be, sir.
Your obedient servant,
J. H. Peters, Constable.
Twice the Superintendent read the words from