HAR YARD LA W RE VIE W. REVIEW. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States. Vol. I. 1874-1891. Prepared and edited by William A. Richardson, Chief Justice of the Court of Claims. This is a government publication, and can be obtained only from the Secretary of State. On receipt of $2.00 it will be sent free of postage to any part of the United States. The supplement contains all the laws enacted since the passage of the Revised Statutes "which are neither obsolete, local, temporary and expired, superseded nor repealed, ar- ranged in chronological and numerical order." The arrangement of the work is admirable. The indexing is so thorough that it is a very simple matter to find any given legislation. There are, moreover, manv notes and cross-references, and a table of altered sections of the Revised Statutes, which add very much to the usefulness of the book. The work of the editor is so well done throughout that it is impossible to single out for mention any particular excellence. [Chief Justice Richardson being a graduate of the Harvard Law School, the readers of the Review may be interested in the fact that the preface of the supplement is dated on his seventieth birthday, Nov. 2, 1891.] LEADING ARTICLES IN EXCHANGES. American Law Review. Vol. 25. No. 6. Liberty of Contract under the Police Power; Property damaged for Public Use; History of First Georgia Code; Note on English Judges of the Present Day. Chicago Legal News. Vol. 24. No. 15. Woman Suffrage. No. 16. Nuisance — Obstructing the Sidewalks. Central Law Journal. Vol. 33. St. Louis. No. 21. Bigamy. No. 22. Bigamy. No. 23. Taxation of Corporations and Corporate Shares. No. 24. Taxation of Corporations and Corporate Shares. No. 25. Validity in one State of a Decree of Divorce by the Tribunals of Another. Albany Law Journal. Vol. 44. No. 23. To Demur or not to Demur. No. 25. Juridical Evolution. Columbia Law Times. Vol. 5. No. 3. Sentimental Damages; Liability of Corporation for the Torts of its Agents. Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 6. No. 4. Democratic Party; The Single Tax ; Sociology as a University Study; Sociad Contract Theory; Woman Suffrage in Local Government; Lincoln and Seward. Scottish Law Review. Vol. 7. No. 84. Common Employment : Trust Deeds by Insolvents. Yale Law Journal. Vol. 1. No. 2. Jury System; Incorporation in one State to do Business in Another; Powei to compel Physical Examination.