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survival of substance amid the change of form. This work shows very clearly that not only does equity survive in name under the codes, but that chancery practice is, to a greater extent than is generally sup- posed, distinct both in its remedies and their application.
If it were thought advisable to add to the size of a work already so large, it certainly would increase its value to add an introductory chap- ter containing a general survey of the changes in practice wrought by the code procedure. W. G. C.
Select Cases and other AuTHORrriES on the Law of Prop- ERTV. By John Cbipman Gray. Volume I. Cambridge: Charles W. Sever. 1888.
The purpose of this book is that it shall be, not a reference manual for practising lawyers, but a class-book for students. Its plan is due to the methods of teaching which are in vogue in this School, and which must, therefore, furnish the standard by which it is to be judged. Thus, to an attorney who expects a book modelled on Smith's Leading Cases, the total absence of head-notes will seem a serious defect ; but in a book intended for scholars, who are to ascertain for themselves the point of law which each case involves, to insert the head-notes would plainly be to defeat the very object in view. The book will be mainly useful, then, in the lecture-room ; but to one who has had the benefit of Prof. Gray's lectures, and who keeps his references, it will be helpful in later life as well. On the whole, however, a collection of cases like the one under consideration must stand or £dl with the system of in- struction of which it forms a part. Of the success of that system there can be no reasonable doubt.
This is the first volume of an intended series, of wnicn the second volume is almost ready. It is to be hoped that the rest will be forth- coming soon. E. V. A.
Shortt on Informations ( Criminal and ^uo Warranto) y Man- damus, AND PROHiBmoN. American notes by Franklin Fiske Heard. 1888. Chas. H. Edson & Co., Boston.
This work treats of subjects that have been but little discussed in text- books, presumably for the reason that they are of a minor importance to the practising attorney. The English edition contains quite an ex- haustive collection of the authorities there ; but the duties and functions of English courts and English public officers differ so much in detail fiom our own, that it would be quite impossible to make such a work of much interest to lawyers in this coimtry.
The American notes contain little that cannot be found in the Digests ; they bear unmistakable signs of being prepared at short notice under contract, — a characteristic of many of the recent cheap editions of
English text-books in this country. C. M. L.