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Light wine and beer only, from . . . • $25^ to $300*

General retailing $40^ to $i»ooo^

Manufacturers . $350^

Buffet cars and steamers ..... $250 «

Drummers $250^

In some States this is a fixed fee, in others it is a tax, graduated by the stock in trade, or by the population of the cities,' or by the monthly • or quarterly ^^ sales, which may be determined by a pat- ent sale register."

In Wisconsin the minima are $100 to $200, and a Local Option vote is allowed to raise these to $400 and $500, respectively.^^

Distribution of Proceeds, — An important point in practice is the distribution of the license moneys.

They are either handed over to the State and set apart for the school fund,^ or are divided between the State and the county,** or between the county and the city,^ or the county and the city have separate control over the receipts. In one State they form a county road fund.*^

Saloon Regulations. — It is customary, if not universal, to forbid sale to minors, to Indians, near camp meetings, on Sunday, in prison, on election day, to one intoxicated, or at agricultural fairs.

It is also usual to order saloons to be closed between the hours of 917 or 12 18 P.M. and 5 *• or 7^ A.M.

During the time of closing, all screens or obstructions must be removed.^*

The adulteration of liquor, the employment of minors, and gam- ing in saloons, are generally forbidden, and some States forbid any screens or other obstructions to be placed between the street and the place of sale.^

In South Carolina, one at whose saloon a riot or breach of the

1 Laws Miss. 1886, p. 17. ^ Pub. Acts Mich. 1887, no. 313, s. i.

  • Comp. Laws New Mex. § 2901. ^ Laws Dak. 1887, ch. 71.

» Gen. Stats. Col. 1883, p. 630. • Code Ala. app. 1887, 629, subd. 3.

7 Laws Miss. 1886, p. 16. ^ Code Ala. app. 1887, 629, subd. 2.

» Polit. Code Cal. s. 3381. ^ Rev. Stats. Ariz 1887, par. 2239, tit 42.

" Acts La. 1879, p. 3. " Laws Wise. 1885, ch. 296, s. 3.

IS Code Miss. 1880, § 1099. ^^ Laws N. Mex. 1884, § 2901.

i» Laws Mich. 1887, no. 313, s. 9. " Laws Mo. 1887, p. 178.

" Acts Mich. 1887, no. 313, s. 17. " Pa. Digest, 1883, p. 1081, 8. 38.

!• Gen. Stats. Minn. 1878, ch. 16, § 19. ** Acts Mich. 1887, no. 313, 8. 17.

^ Acts Mich. 1887, no. 313, 8. 31. ^ Acts Mass. 1882, ch. 259.

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