Penalties. — The penalties under this system are, for a sale, from $30-$ 100 fine, 30-90 days' imprisonment, or both.^ For keeping a nuisance, $300-$ 1,000 fine, forfeiture of the liquors and appliances, and the closing of the building for one year.^ One- half of these fines goes to the informer and the remainder to the school fund of the district*
The forfeited liquors if unfit for use are destroyed, otherwise they are delivered to the town agent to be sold for the benefit of the district*
Town Agents and Druggists, — Permits to sell for medical, mechanical, scientific, artistic, or sacramental purposes may be issued to any person who is not a hotel, saloon, restaurant, or grocery keeper.* If a druggist, he must have $500 worth of other goods in his store.* The applicant for such permit must present a certificate of good character, signed by a majority of the electors in his district,^ or he must present a petition signed by twenty reputable freeholders and electors, and twenty-five reputable women over twenty-one.®
The applicant must give a bond conditioned on obedience to the law, and must keep a book of receipts and sales.^
Town agents are paid a fixed salary,^ or their profits are limited.*^
A druggist can make only one sale on each prescription,^ must not sell to a minor without the written consent of his parent or guardian,^ and an unlawful sale deprives him of the right to practice as a pharmacist for five years.^*
Manufacturers, — An applicant for a permit to manufacture intoxicating liquors must present a petition signed by one hun- dred voters of the ward, in a city of the first or second class, or by a majority of the voters of the township or city of the third class.
He must give a bond for $10,000, and can sell only in the origi-
��1 Laws of Me. 1885. ch. 366, s. 2. « Laws of lo. 1886, ch. 66, ss. 4. 5.
» Laws of Co. 1884, ch. 143, s. 9. * Laws of Me. 1885, ch. 359, s. 8.
- Rev. Code lo. 1880, s. 1526. • Laws Kans. 1887, ch. 165, s. i.
^ Rev. Code lo. 1880, s. 1527. * Laws of Kans. 1887, ch. 165, s. i.
» Rev. Code lo. 1880. ss. 1528, 1533. ^ Gcn'l Laws of N. H. 1878, ch. 109, s. 9 ^1 Rev. Code lo. 1880, s. 1537. " Act of S. C. 1884, No. 495.
i« Laws of R. I., Jan'y Session, 1887, ch. 634, s. 2.
1^ Laws of R. I., May Session, 1886, ch. 596, s. 5.